Mitch Machiavelli – IOTW Report

Mitch Machiavelli

The willingness of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow “Green New Deal” plan to come up for a vote is being viewed by many as clever move to force senate democrats running for president to “go on the record” towards the radical piece of legislation. More

Sundance, at Conservative Treehouse, believes McConnell is actually enhancing his own power over both sides of the aisle in D.C. Here

19 Comments on Mitch Machiavelli

  1. Anybody who believes he is not acting in what he believes will be in his own interest is dumber than AOC.

    I was watching A Man For All Seasons and can state with absolute certitude that individuals like McConnell simply do not have any comprehension of the motivation behind the likes of a St Thomas More or a Thomas Becket.

  2. Democrats: “We need the Green New Deal to save the planet by ending air travel and cows and modernity for the little people of no importance!!!”

    McConnell: “Okay, let’s vote on your submitted bill.”

    Democrats: “Fuck you, Mitch, you racist!!!”

  3. I agree with Sundance. And….in my humble opinion….too many people are caught up in the hysteria of the latest “what-ever”. The office of the President allows one person to occupy that seat for 8 years maximum. Congress, on the other hand, can be there for life……so patience is the key for them. President Trump is nobody’s fool. He may have been taken in by Washington insiders at the start of his term, but he is a quick learner and has balls the size of Alaska. He is doing everything he can to set up average Americans to be able to succeed during the time he has in office. Let’s just hope he can do enough in the next 2 years…and HOPEFULLY 4 more after that…to protect what is left of the United States for at least another couple of generations. My children are all between 28-34. I don’t worry as much about them as I do for my 4 1/3 grandkids.

  4. I’m sure Mitch can justify his self-serving actions by believing he’s irreplaceable to the integrity of the Republic. He probably thinks if he loses power the entire country will be lost to the extremes on the left or the right.

    I suspect everyone in D.C. knows his own self importance to himself and knows how to manipulate him to their best interest (over what’s best for the nation). Jim Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper and all the other members of the Obama administration hold similar beliefs about their own importance. To the determent to our freedom.

  5. suppose they call his bluff …. all the demonRats vote for the ‘Green Leap Forward’ (except maybe Manchin) & the RINO’s (Mittens, Collins, Murky, etc.) go with ’em

    … then what?
    (Drano Perrino has already advocated for it on The Jive)

  6. “This is the second time cocaine Mitch has done this.”

    Maybe that leftist ambush asshole shouldn’t have flung Mitch’s doggy bag across the restaurant. I notice there’s a lot less of that shit happening lately.

  7. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Nah, I’m hearing more dems each day calling it a crazy ass idea. They’ll vote present or won’t show up or try to delay. Just like they did last time when Mitch brought the other dumb dem bill up. They called it misogynist or something stupid like that. lol!
    Could you imagine Kamala and pocahontas voting NO after they said they loved the bill? It would end their campaigns that minute.


    Mitch is just fucking with them to make his turtle shell look bigger and to score some points.

  8. What should trouble everyone is the fact that someone ‘planted’ two Moslems and the screeching Bronx knucklehead in the House simply to put the destruction of the Republic on a fast-track.

    Wake up, America or die in your sleep.


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