Mitch McConnell Criticizes Democrats for Not Standing Up to the ‘Far Left – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell Criticizes Democrats for Not Standing Up to the ‘Far Left

ET: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats on Thursday, March 28, for failing to stand up against the “far left,” which he said is threatening the basic fabric of the American system of government.

McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, delivered his remarks from the Senate floor, and cited several recent examples of how the left wing of the Democratic Party has gained significant influence over the party’s agenda.

“After they failed to defeat Justice Kavanaugh last year, liberal leaders decided the underlying structure of the American judiciary needed to be radically overhauled,” McConnell said. “They set out to rehabilitate the absurd notion of court packing.”

Not since President Franklin D. Roosevelt has a court-packing scheme been attempted. The effort failed in 1937, when members of Roosevelt’s own Democratic Party voted against it. But the idea is now front-and-center in the effort to prevent President Donald Trump’s reelection.


McConnell said the very term has been synonymous with “an unprincipled power grab” for nearly a century.

14 Comments on Mitch McConnell Criticizes Democrats for Not Standing Up to the ‘Far Left

  1. Too little too late for the Turtle.

    Get rid of this crooked old GOPe hack and his equally crooked wife, and bring a patriot into the job of running the GOP senate.

  2. If ever there was a Brutus in the Senate. At least Graham understands the power of The Twitterer and how informed the Trump arm of the Republican party truly is. Now, if McConnell would make the same kind of admonishment to the Congressional #NeverTrumpers…

    If the Lefties think we are fearful of their mob, just wait ’til they see our MOAB come November of next year.

  3. Mitch has been quietly working behind the scenes for years blocking our candidates and legislation. Stabbing us in the back regularly while on occasions like this speaking out about democrat chicanery. What a two faced fraud. Go away Mitch you are not wanted.

  4. Trotsky complaining to Lenin about Stalin …
    Rohm complaining to Hitler about Himmler …

    The “far left,” (as everyone characterizes it) is identical to the “radical moslems,” in that each epitomizes, are indeed the hearts of, their respective political movements.

    Both are nihilistic totalitarianism exposed.
    Both worship perversion and death.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Here’s how it works. They’ve borrow a page from the Middle East.
    The radical democRATs want to tear down everything that America stands for.
    The moderate democRATs want the radical democRATs to keep on doing what they’re doing!

  6. Slightly OT – I received a fund-raising email from Paul Ryan on behalf of Steve Scalice. In this email he suggests I donate money to help win back the House from the Democrats.

    Now I have no idea if Paul Ryan sent this or if it’s just computer-generated. Sometimes the letter is signed by Newt, got one from Rove too. But for therapeutic reasons I hit “respond” and I used four letter words to describe what I think of Paul Ryan and I mentioned how we wouldn’t have to Win the House back if it wasn’t for his role in loosing it.

    It won’t likely be read by anyone but it felt good to rant

  7. It must be getting close to election time for that A-hole non-leader of the senate.

    The hypocritical idiot thinks we voters will forget his backstabbing, self-serving traitorous actions against our President!

    He is the Republican AOC. Traitorous idiocy springs from his corpse-like forked tongue.

  8. Only Mitch could make this declaration while on his back.
    He rolled over so any times for Obama he got dizzy and couldn’t get up.
    He should have left when gutless Paul Ryan did.

  9. Heed the wisdom of the turtle.

    Why does he give advice to the totalitarians?
    Especially good advice?
    Fuck him and fuck them!

    Next, he and his RINO cohorts will unveil some slightly less costly “Green New Deal” (probably only $60 Trillion, or so) along with another onerous version of Obola-Care.

    Ask this conniving shit-stain if he “believes” in Globaloney Warming – I bet he does – anything to fuck America and line his pockets.

    izlamo delenda est …

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