Mitch “Necrosis” McConnell – IOTW Report

Mitch “Necrosis” McConnell

ht/ k park

44 Comments on Mitch “Necrosis” McConnell

  1. “7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
    Galatians 6:7-8

  2. nicebead
    JANUARY 3, 2021 AT 1:17 PM
    “If that’s real, WTF is going on with these people who won’t give up their power ?”

    …they sold their soul for their power and they know there is nothing for them but the flames of hell when they die, so they cling to their power as long as they can to try to delude themselves into believing they still got the best of the bargain they made with satan even as they are angered by their certain knowledge that they did NOT, so they lash out at as many as they can to try to share the misery of their impending demise as widely as possible in one last vain hope that it will somehow convince their dark master to go easy on them when they are no more 9f this world…

  3. Anyone besides me remember the old guy Gus the Fireman on Leave It To Beaver, we used to call him the Turtle because he was skinny and scrawny and looked like a turtle? He reminded me of Cecil the Turtle who outsmarted Bugs Bunny in the cartoon race between the turtle and the hare. McConnell is the real turtle and maybe needs to be turtle whacksed like TRF said in another comment.

  4. …it WOULD be ironic if Mitch gets killed from the inside out by his own immune system.

    …you know, like a domestic enemy that SHOULD be saving the body politic that decides to destroy it instead…

  5. Possible causes:

    ◻ Hand caught in car door
    ◻ Fell down on the ice
    ◻ Car accident
    ◻ Fought with Antifa
    ◻ Shook hands with Harry Reid
    ◻ Shook hands Hillary Clinton
    ◻ Fondled Nancy Pelosi
    ◻ Sat on his hands too long
    ◻ COVID-19!

    Now, as to the necrosis on his face…

  6. I thought Hillary would be dead by 2018. And Joe is currently expected to hand off, bow out and wither away within months. Don’t be surprised if Joe, Mitch and Cankles are all still plugging away at their grifts in 2024. They may look like death warmed over, but Satan is going to drive them until the wheels fall off.

  7. He’s on blood thinners, that’s why his hands look that way. He bruises easily. The IV was started in his hand and it caused all the local bruising. That’s why one hand looks way worse than the other.

  8. Cynic
    JANUARY 3, 2021 AT 2:32 PM
    “He’s on blood thinners, that’s why his hands look that way. He bruises easily. The IV was started in his hand and it caused all the local bruising. That’s why one hand looks way worse than the other.”

    …yeah, and his nail beds are nice and pink too, so his hands aren’t rotting off under the weight of the Chinese yuan.

    I was pretending not to see that so we could hope that ass was dying. Way to screw up a nice thought with dumb old facts and truth, Cynic..

  9. A woman I work with is on anti coagulant medication and so she bruises really easily. This might be a case of that. In any case, he’s been in power way too long and is so comfortable in the Washington system. They never want to leave, do they?

  10. MJA – “…Cynic- OK, but who punched him in the mouth? Why does he have bruising on the nose and why are his lower eye lids super pink?…”

    Harry Reid appears in the mix again. As you might remember, Reid was an amateur boxer. Mitch went to him asking for advice. Harry said, “Get off my lawn!!”

  11. Jezzo crowzo! It’s like I’m living inside of a 1950’s B list horror movie! Night of the Living Dead Politicians.

    Look like the only way to get rid of them is with lead poisoning.


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