Mitt just got Schlapped! – IOTW Report

Mitt just got Schlapped!

Tweet from Matt Schlapp of CPAC:

26 Comments on Mitt just got Schlapped!

  1. …’Mr. Romney? I believe you’re seat is on the other side of the aisle, to the Left…and Mr. Romney? Don’t get comfortable there, we’ll be needing to get that seat back from you shortly…’

  2. Romney gets snubbed for CPAC…
    That should not bother Mittens,
    He is a pseudo-conservative only when he wants to be.

    Romney gets snubbed for CPAC…
    That should not bother Mittens,
    He is a pseudo-conservative only when he wants to be.

    Romney gets snubbed for CPAC…
    That should not bother Mittens,
    He is a pseudo-conservative only when he wants to be.

  3. JDHasty

    I remember arguing with you about supporting Romney way back and we finally agreed that “You just didn’t like the guy”. Well shiiiiit. You might have been right. LOL
    But DJT has exposed a lot of Pols that most conservatives thought were on our side.

  4. Mitt couldn’t just enjoy his wealthy retirement and spend his time enjoying life with his extended family. He just had to show what a petty POS he is by lashing out not just at Trump but at all of us who didn’t vote him into office. What a pathetic way to end your life.

  5. His posts keep showing up on FB, and he usually gets ratioed. One time, one of his followers said “A lot of people do seem to follow him even though they don’t like him. I pointed out that I, for one, do not follow him — his posts just seem to show up whether I want them or not.

  6. Mitts represents the last gasp of the dying Globalist Uni Party. And the rest of us are evil white nationalists. Or something.

    You can bet Mitts spent plenty of time in a steam room helping Bill Kristol search for his penis.

  7. I didn’t vote for him in the Presidential Primary, but I did get behind him in the general because the other choice was Obama. I tried to convince myself and others just because he made liberal decisions as governor it was because he lived in a liberal state and could be a very conservative President.

    I tried to soothe Christians fears over him being Mormon. I spent many hours making phone calls in other states for his campaign, I donated money to his campaign. Now I think the bastard should have to pay all of us back for the work we did for him.
    Back to back Republicans gave us the insane McCain who probably would have had us in WWIII and then the big pussy who couldn’t even fight the pansy Obama or the fat hag in a debate.

    Now we still have Never Trumpers who complain about his words. Screw all of you!!!

  8. Mittens might be a good businessman, but he is a total loser politically. He was a ONE term governor in Mass. He lost a shoe-in race against candy crowley – er, obama. Then he lost the GOP nomination to PDJT.

    What a pathetic, bitter piece of shit of a rat.


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