Mitt Romney Given “Profile In Courage Award” – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Given “Profile In Courage Award”

Daily Wire

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) was chosen to receive the 2021 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library’s Profile in Courage Award for having been the only Republican to vote in favor of convicting former President Donald Trump during his first impeachment trial.

“The 2021 Profile in Courage Award goes to Senator Mitt Romney for his vote to convict President Donald J. Trump in 2020, and his consistent and courageous defense of democracy,” the JFK Library said. “As the first Senator to have ever voted to convict a President of his own party, Senator Romney’s courageous stand was historic. More

20 Comments on Mitt Romney Given “Profile In Courage Award”

  1. …”Profiles in Courage” started with JFKs boasting about his PT-109 experience.

    …not mentioned was that the ONLY way a destroyer could cut something as light, nimble and quick as a gasoline-fueled, wooden hulled PT boat would be if EVERYONE on it was asleep, INCLUDING its vaunted Captain Kennedy…

  2. …it looks like a whiskey decanter designed like a lantern. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was.

    …the lantern is also a symbol of Diogenes’ hopeless search for an honest man.

    Given this is an award from dissemblimg Democrats to a treasonous renegade,I’d say he needs to keep on looking…

  3. Few are as liberal as Mitt today. This “Award” is given to the most left wing person of the year. : Johns Lewis and mcC (ya Bush’s “wingman” of “Waco bird!”fame), Katie Couric, Shirley Franklin name some of the far left winners. Note Being “R” and being far left are not mutually exclusive! A few left wing GOP on the list
    You will not find: Barry Goldwater, Ronny or Tom Tancredo on the list. Conservatives are never considered for this “prestigious” award!

  4. “Romney should get an award for being the biggest DICK-HEAD in politics.”

    Apparently, he just did!

    Profiles in Courage Award from an anti-American, traitorous, cabal of enema-nozzles IS a “DICK-HEAD in politics” award.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The thought processes behind this award are unfathomable to conservatives, but I am sure they are totally understandable to a liberal.

    Hey, JFK Library, I hate George Washington, Ben Franklin, Abe Lincoln, and the US Constitution. Now gimme my award.

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