Mixed Signals To the Taliban – IOTW Report

Mixed Signals To the Taliban

While on his surprise tour of Afghanistan and Iraq Monday,  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held out an olive branch to terrorists in that violent state, suggesting that perhaps there might be room for moderate members of the Taliban to join the government.


Meanwhile, the Daily Caller reports President Trump has unleashed “CIA kill teams” to hunt down Taliban leaders.


9 Comments on Mixed Signals To the Taliban

  1. Trump needs to ditch this clown, he’s been rogue since he started. The fact he was all for fags infiltrating the Boy Scouts of America should tell you all you need to know about his judgement. Do you want an idiot like that negotiating nuclear deals?

  2. ” moderate members of the Taliban”…no such thing. They’re the ones on the ground cheering while the “radical” members of the Taliban throw the gays from the roof tops.

    Go away Rex and take John McCain with you.

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