Mizzou Turns Into An Adult Daycare Facility – Passing Out Coloring Books To Help Students That Are Triggered – IOTW Report

Mizzou Turns Into An Adult Daycare Facility – Passing Out Coloring Books To Help Students That Are Triggered


College Fix

In the age of safe spaces and trigger warnings comes another new trend to the college repertoire: coloring books. This fall, campuses nationwide are offering coloring books to students to help them de-stress.

At American University on Monday, its counseling center provided coloring sheets in honor of Healthy Campus Week, noting on its Facebook page that adult coloring books “can help with a number of emotional and mental health issues.” Conditions cited include obsessive-compulsive, eating, anxiety and depressive disorders, as well as anger management and substance abuse issues.

“The time and focus that adult coloring takes helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits, and focus them in a safe and productive way,” the AU center stated.


ht/ fdr in hell

12 Comments on Mizzou Turns Into An Adult Daycare Facility – Passing Out Coloring Books To Help Students That Are Triggered

  1. Heaven help the kids graduating from Missouri U and Brown and any other colleges that have this crap for the little snowflakes. You gotta know as more of this crap makes the papers and the net that when these kids send their resumes in to prospective employers it’s going to end up right in the shredder as soon as the HR staffer reads the university.

  2. Hey! Snowflakes!

    You want help with those issues? Pick up a Bible and start reading. Start with the New Testament. You’ll be amazed at how many answers are found in the Book that the Creator of the universe wrote. He’s fairly omniscient…..

  3. These jerks have nothing to complain about, they don’t have to worry about being drafted like I did when I was 19 into a very unpopular war in Vietnam. I volunteered anyway and was far better prepared for college after spending 3 years in the Navy, going overseas twice and seeing a lot of SE Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. Seeing the world as it really is gave me a far greater appreciation of America when I was 19-22 than it would have if I hadn’t experienced serving in the Navy. I wouldn’t trade the experience and the chance to grow for anything else. I was and am a better person for being in the Navy even if it was for only 3 years. And believe me I had far greater responsibility as a Plane Captain (crew chief) in an F-4 Phantom fighter squadron at 20, 21 and 22 than any other job I’ve ever had. The snowflakes have nothing to complain about, they’re a bunch of coddled pussies who’ve never had any responsibility for anything, I pity them.

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