MLK’s Niece Says Biden Speaks From A Different Reality In Saying Floyd’s Death Had A Bigger Impact Than MLK’s Assassination – IOTW Report

MLK’s Niece Says Biden Speaks From A Different Reality In Saying Floyd’s Death Had A Bigger Impact Than MLK’s Assassination

“I believe that Mr. Biden continues to speak from his basement, from a reality that is different from what’s happening in the real world,” King told the DCNF over the phone. “Why is it necessary to compare Martin Luther King Jr. And George Floyd?”

12 Comments on MLK’s Niece Says Biden Speaks From A Different Reality In Saying Floyd’s Death Had A Bigger Impact Than MLK’s Assassination

  1. “King said she believes that the coronavirus pandemic has been used to “put fear and confusion into the world” and that George Floyd’s death has been used to “bring about anarchy.”

    Might use that as My Tagline…Spot on.

  2. Jackass Joe’s reality lives in a very sad place of zero accomplishments other than being second banana to an America-hating, Jihad-coddling, Taqiyah sunrise-drinking, flat-footed, tone-deaf, lawless, Constitution-stomping, thoroughly corrupt, Marxist Muzlim Mallard!
    I wouldn’t show my face in public if that’s all I had to show for over a half a century of “work”!!

  3. They have to make it all about them. Infantile doesn’t even to describe the left. It’s like the moron I worked with who said the reason he was voting for the Lightworker was that he wanted to be part of history. These jackasses want to make themselves into more than the abolitionists who fought against slavery.

  4. Being realistic, King’s death didn’t spark worldwide protesting and rioting with the police running away from rioters while screaming in terror the way Floyd’s death has.

  5. pander
    pandering (present participle)

    gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).

    Call it what it is. Politicians are the only (species) that think they can talk their way off of an alligators menu.

  6. Let me spell it out for Biden. The martyrs of the progressive movement are comprised entirely of people who are not fit to be mentioned in the same sentence with those who fought actual injustice. You show me a man or woman in the black community who is working tirelessly to uplift their community and I will show you a person who gets no respect from the progressive movement.

    Study and understand how the progressive movement sews uses weaponizes envy and you will understand what the progressive movement is all about.

  7. Not a fan of Martin Luther King Jr. His brand was “peaceful protest”, and he would not approve of the looting, but he partnered with some anarchist organizations and accepted funding from Soros types.

    It’s no surprise, based on MLK Jr.’s contradictory alliances, the same radical left, like-minded anarchists today see no problem comparing MLK Jr. to George Floyd. Floyd becomes the symbol of injustice as defined by the left and seen as a martyr for the cause.

    Also, another tactic of th left is to make criticizing Floyd’s criminal lifestyle taboo, due to the circumstances of his death. It makes it easier to look at the situation as a race related issue, rather than simply a crime in itself that could have been committed by anyone with intent to kill – for reasons that may have nothing to do with race.

    Martyr status for Floyd elevates him to god like status. Not the extremely flawed man he really was in life. Then he would be no use to the left.


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