MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeh Vegans New Source of Fake Meat? Banana Peels – IOTW Report

MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeh Vegans New Source of Fake Meat? Banana Peels

Why is it that vegans call their food “meat” and try and make substances look and taste like meat?

It’s sort of like lesbians using a vibrator that looks like a penis, no?



24 Comments on MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeh Vegans New Source of Fake Meat? Banana Peels

  1. @RightWinger April 3, 2019 at 5:31 am

    > The new preferred food of Soy Boys who are trying to impress their Vegan feminist masters.

    Only until the Chinese program it into their anatomically accurate domestic bots.

  2. They know that for us it’s as much an issue of liberty as it is an issue of nutrition. They know that but they don’t care. They’re trying to convince people that they can eat “meat” without eating meat because it is a religious belief with them. Paganism. So make no mistake: they will eventually force everyone to give up meat if they ever get the power to try it (and many of them will secretly indulge what they preach is forbidden to everyone else, like they always do).

  3. Pretend meat for pretend people in a pretend world.

    I guess if Robert O’Rourke can be a mexican, B. Hussein Obola can be American, and Sandy (la Putita) Ocasio-Cortez can be in the House, Joey Biden can be smart, Bruce Jenner can be a girl, Justin Smollett can be innocent of a hoax he most definitely committed, Al Sharpton doesn’t have to pay taxes, HRC can commit Treason with impunity, and Bradley Manning isn’t in jail, then, hey! Why not?

    Let’s just pretend our way into oblivion!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The formula they work with is simple:

    meat + face = bad
    meat + ass = good

    I’m not willing to run that formula on myself, so whatever they have to say about it I’ll just take their word for it.

  5. vegetarian here, but don’t really care what anyone else eats.
    I’ll pass:

    “Some experts estimate that banana cultivators use 35 pounds of pesticide per acre (van Wendel de Joode 2012, citing Wesseling 2001 and Ramírez 2009), dramatically more than for other produce crops.
    To prevent pest damage, each bunch of bananas on a tree is enclosed in a large plastic bag into which pesticides are inserted. Few of these applications reach the edible tissue of the fruit, but they still pose a risk to workers and the surrounding environment.
    One toxic insecticide widely used in banana production is chlorpyrifos, a potent neurotoxicant member of the organophosphate insecticide family. Chlorpyrifos can harm workers, communities and the environment but is not generally detected on peeled bananas. Children are especially sensitive to chlorpyrifos toxicity. The chemical can disrupt brain development and impair cognitive functions, measured by intelligence tests, when the child is exposed during pregnancy and early childhood (Rauh 2011). Costa Rican researchers found that children living near banana fields where pesticides were used had much higher concentrations of chlorpyrifos in their bodies than children living where only 12 percent of farmers reported using pesticides. (van Wendel del Joode 2012). Farm workers who apply pesticides directly or work in fields where they are used would almost certainly test positive for even higher levels of chemicals.” …
    If they want to have an all you can eat buffet, that is fine with me.
    “…can disrupt brain development and impair cognitive functions, measured by intelligence tests…”


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