MOAB Death Count: 94 ISIS, 500 Pakistani Possible – IOTW Report

MOAB Death Count: 94 ISIS, 500 Pakistani Possible

Afghan authorities announced yesterday that the dropping of the GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Burst on Thursday took out 94 ISIS fighters including four commanders.


A credible news outlet, India One is also claiming that upwards of 500 Pakistanis (whose military is being accused of helping ISIS) were also killed in the strike. The same source expects the death count of ISIS members to reach 500 as well.



25 Comments on MOAB Death Count: 94 ISIS, 500 Pakistani Possible

  1. As I understand it that was an underground command and control center they were targeting so it wasn’t all about body count. Plus the bodies they got were probably very high value targets.

  2. BB said, “wasn’t all about body count”

    I agree. More important than dead terrorists is the destruction of their ability to organize and communicate. They want to re-create the 7th century? Let them go back to papyrus and quills.

    Hell, go back farther and use chisels on stone. They want to live and behave like cavemen, go for it.

  3. As an armchair quarterback, this seems a lot more efficient than sending a bunch of our guys, on the ground, killing them one-at-a-time, while getting shot themselves.

  4. Agreed, Tony. Kill them from the air.

    We should never put our best and bravest at risk going one on one with neanderthals and small arms, except as an absolute last resort.

    Air power separates the 21st Century from the 7th.

  5. @Rufus T Firefly MOAB is basically the cheapest thing we could drop, costing under 100K, due to being military made, not contractor manufactured.
    IDGAS about dropping munitions on IS, or “moderate rebel forces,” or whatever lie our government/media is calling them this week.
    We need to see some definitive proof of Assad’s involvement w/the possible gas attack, or Nikki Haley needs to be back on tv explaining why you should never speak in absolutes.

  6. Brad: My daughter was stationed at Torkham Gate for one tour, and my son-in-law for 3 tours, including Korengal Valley. Not a good country to be in at less than 30,000ft.

  7. Tony R, I know a couple young vets that were in that shit hole. Thank your daughter and your son in law for their service for me. Our young vets are the only hope for our county. The same aged person coming out of college has been freaken brain washed. I’m all for bringing back draft just for that reason.

  8. That $16M is bullshit, didn’t cost near that, it’s VERY low tech. From what I have read, from people who seem like they know something about physics, a little over $300K, cheap at twice the price.
    Funny, it was developed to be a ‘deterrent’, just like Fonzie told Richie: “Sometimes to look tuff, you have to fight.”.
    The MOAB just dropped into the Fonzie level.

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