Mob violence shuts down Chicago’s fanciest shopping district – IOTW Report

Mob violence shuts down Chicago’s fanciest shopping district

Business interests and police are doing their best to minimize attention to the slide into mob rule of the streets in Chicago’s nicest, most famous neighborhood.  But shoppers, tourists, and ordinary working Joes and Janes can no longer take for granted the freedom to walk around Chicago’s upscale shopping district along North Michigan Avenue near the famous Water Tower.  Four times this year, mobs of “urban youths” have taken to “wilding” and attacking random pedestrians while looting stores.

The latest instance happened on Tuesday.  CBS Chicago reports:

A brawl involving dozens of teenagers broke out near Chicago’s Water Tower Place Tuesday night, prompting a flurry of 911 calls as the mob spread to Chicago Avenue and State Street.

The disturbance grew so large at one point that some businesses in Chicago’s busiest tourist district were forced to shut down

One person who witnessed the fight asked to stay anonymous, but told CBS that a group of about seven teenagers jumped a person walking down Chicago Avenue between Wabash Avenue and Rush Street.

How much longer are people going to feel free to spend a carefree hour or two browsing among the fine stores, restaurants, and other establishments under these circumstances?    MORE

24 Comments on Mob violence shuts down Chicago’s fanciest shopping district

  1. Sadly I put this one below on another thread about the “shootarama” called Shitcago below. I won’t go in the city anymore but…

    I’ll be waiting the phone calls that everyone is back home…

    Gee thanks guys! I’m leaving for work and my daughter and her beau are at the air show while my son his wife and my wife are at the Italian Fest.

    Now me, the guy who always carries, is sixty plus miles to the northwest. I see there’s another thread about the wonderful safety in Shitcago about this one so I’ll probably duplicate this post on that one…

  2. Wrong question! It isn’t about shopping. The REAL question is when will those who built, run and still want to build and live in this country stop the feral “humans”?

    Zimbabwe and now So. Africa come to America.

  3. Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY that comments here knows that this will continue until one side or the other decides it’s the stronger one and wipes the other side out utterly and ompletely. And that is why the left has ginned up the racial tension so high. It is time to wipe them off the face of America. Burn them off the streets, out of their homes-schools-colleges, off the TV and out of sports. Make them an absolute memory of a by-gone era when America was weak, sick and contaminated by this contagion (same for gays). Because through their racial/class warfare and social engineering, you ALL know that is exactly what the Blue-gummers and the queers want to do to us

  4. @really enraged August 19, 2018 at 3:54 pm

    The REAL question is when will those who built, run and still want to build and live in this country stop the feral “humans”?

    That’s “questions”.

    1) “those who built”: They’re dead. Who cares? Oh, you hear their voices in your head? Well, then, regarding your questions(s) — Who cares? (You hear voices. I mean, we, all, think you’re “nice”. But we can’t take you seriously.)

    2) “run”: Everything’s fine. Everything’s running according to plan. According to design. Like it has been for, at least, a century. (Actually, over two. But that doesn’t have the “down homey” ring, to it.)

    3) “still want to build and live in”: Those who want to “build” go elsewhere. Those who want to “live in” will continue to do so, as long as the pickin’s of those who “want” (well, at least, can be beaten) to work (as opposed to “build”), remain easy.

    3a) Unless you intended “build and live in” as a quantum (singular). They’ve been dead for about two-hundred years. They’re not coming back. Maybe after the “zombies” burn away everything that interests them, the seeds of those long gone will sprout again. But “seed” that is smart enough to “build”, is smart enough to not sprout to be eaten as “zombie” fodder.

  5. “I hope, yes HOPE, that some violent assailants are soon shot and killed by their intended victim, and with lots of witnesses who will swear it was unquestionably legitimate self defense.”

    Wouldn’t matter if you’re in a shoot-or-die Chard and Bromhead scenario, the Illinois police state will prosecute you to the fullest extend of their law, even if they know you’ll walk in the end. You would likely be utterly ruined by it.

  6. In ’77-’78….this was my stomping ground.

    Naive farmboy that went to Chicago to study photography. I was 20 and sold everything I had. Didn’t know a soul.

    Water Tower Place is at the John Hancock bldg across the street East from the old water tower. My school was across the street south.

    I worked at a little all night market on Rush Street. Interesting place.

    Good times…mostly.


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