Mobster “Tony Cakes” Conigliaro Lost His Head – IOTW Report

Mobster “Tony Cakes” Conigliaro Lost His Head

Daily Caller

An 86-year-old man allegedly decapitated by a Department of Transportation (DOT) truck June 12 was identified as New York mobster Anthony Conigliaro, known as “Tony Cakes” or “Tony the Dessert Man,” according to the New York Post.

Conigliaro’s lawyers and a law-enforcement source confirmed the elderly man’s identity Friday after a video of his apparent death went viral, according to the outlet. More

13 Comments on Mobster “Tony Cakes” Conigliaro Lost His Head

  1. fatal decapitation..
    Seriously? The old fatal decapitation,huh? As opposed to What? Is there Any Other Kind of decapitation? As far as I know, the only survivor of a decapitation was The Headless Horseman. He just gathered his head up, hopped on his horse and went on about his business.

  2. I laughed my head off when I read this story.
    It’s like in the Waze app, when it says, “Police reported a head”
    Don’t loose your head tony. its just a joke.
    You make me laugh, now you’re funny tony, funny like a clown.

  3. piece of shit had a lifestyle that had him looking over his shoulder at all times yet the stupid greaseball WOP didn’t look both ways before crossing. perfect ending to a life of a scumbag

  4. Tony cakes, Tony cakes, DOT man, cut his head off as fast as he can, roll it down the street, mark it with an orange cone, Yo, to bad Tony ain’t goin’ home.

    Sorta sounds like something Andrew dice clay would make up.


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