Moderate Muslim – IOTW Report

Moderate Muslim

ht/ nm

20 Comments on Moderate Muslim

  1. That would include the go to moderate on Fox News, Zudhi Jasser. He’s as phony as the day is long.

    Did I misspell his name? Who cares?

    There is no such thing as a moderate muslime.

  2. These animals are gaining a lot of confidence in Europe. They have their way with the sheep over there. Now as ISIS is being pursued Erdogan is giving direction to them and making threats. If we were to wipe ISIS off the face of the map this crap will still continue. It’s only a matter of time before it gets a lot more prevalent here in the states.

  3. Brad – Oriana Fallaci said over 10 years ago “Europe had sold its soul to what she called an Islamic invasion.” and she was a liberal! She also said Muslims “multiply like rats” so it shouldn’t be too much longer before we are faced with a real domestic insurgency… the kind the democRats are drooling over and tooling up for.

  4. recommend read sword of the prophet

    we could very well lose this one

    rf is correct, their birth rate exceeds all others

    there is no moderation, they are fundamentalists by design and plan

  5. The Rat Fink,

    We should interrogate those 44 Libtard Montana State Reps so we can try and figure out way anybody would promote the extinction of their own culture. Obviously this is why they want your guns so bad. It would be terrible if we could fight back.

  6. “rf is correct, their birth rate exceeds all others”

    I’ve read that and infact I have buried some where a presentation put out by a church that details exact birth rates and a pretty specific time frame when it’s game over in Europe. My thought is they’re not taking into account Mooselms sudden sharp increase in death rate when the shooting starts. Their plan all along has been out breed us though. With out a doubt.

  7. … and I’d also turn off the federal spigot RFN and start enforcing zoning laws to keep fifteen families from living in one house! If they have to feed all their offspring themselves and stop living communally they just might re-think things!

  8. Q.: What’s the Difference Between a Radical Muslim and a Moderate Muslim?

    A.: A radical Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to kill you.

  9. My daddy told me 50 years ago to never trust a Muslim, all I knew about them was Arabian Nights and the Marines Hymn.
    Pretty well schooled on them now.
    He was right.

  10. So now I understand, they are NOT ultra super evil, – Only moderate evil.

    Well, that’s just peachy keen then isn’t it?

    Kind of like being slightly dead or a little bit pregnant.

    All of Islam is an evil cult that has proven time and again over 1400 years that they are incompatible with any kind of civilized society. It is long over due to remove Islam from this planet.

    MSG Grumpy

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