Moderators At Remaining Debates May Be Empowered To Cut Mics – IOTW Report

Moderators At Remaining Debates May Be Empowered To Cut Mics


The Commission on Presidential Debates may allow moderators for the next two debates to cut off the microphones of President Trump or Joe Biden if they break the rules, according to sources who spoke to CBS News.

This followed the first of the Presidential debates, hosted by Fox News’s Chris Wallace. The second debate will be hosted by Steve Scully of C-SPAN, and the third debate will be hosted by Kristen Welker of NBC News. More

27 Comments on Moderators At Remaining Debates May Be Empowered To Cut Mics

  1. Let me guess. Biden will never have his mic cut.

    If they cut Trump’s mic he ought to walk off stage. It’s s not as if anyone is watching these debates to decide who to vote for, no matter what the immoderators think.

  2. More like a kill switch in case the president gets Pedo Joe to lose it. The president should also have a jammer in his pocket so the pervert’s earpiece won’t work.

  3. With the second debate moderator being Steve Scully of C-SPAN it will be easy to guess the possible timing of when the mic is cut.

    Likely Biden’s mic will be cut when Joe drifts into brain freeze, and Trump’s mic will be cut when he starts to explain why Joe is unfit to be president.

    Why so? Why think that? Steve Scully’s background.

    “How does Steve Scully know Joe Biden?

    Uh, small world much? In a 2011 interview with Cable Center, Scully explained his career history and how he got involved in the world of politics—and it has a lot to do with Biden…

    I worked for Joe Biden, Senator from Delaware at the time, as an intern, so I had my first chance to really see politics up close in Washington, D.C.”

    After that, Scully worked for Senator Kennedy in his 1980 campaign before going to Northwestern for grad school on scholarship….”

    How does Steve Scully know Trump?

    In July of last year, Scully and President Trump sat down for a one-on-one interview. Sully asked Trump about his relationship with China, …”

    I’m pretty suspicious of Steve’s leanings. .

  4. Socialist bitchboy Wallass interrupted The Donald 75 times in 90 freaking minutes to the 15 times he cut into Biden. If they want to chop mikes, DJT must give them the upraised fingers and walk into a dozen of his HUGE public election events.

  5. Rush said they tried that with Reagan once and he told them that he paid for the mic he brought with him. 😊 also if they cut DJT mic he can still speak loudly. He’s got a strong voice.

  6. Bongino had a good idea, if they say they are implementing this then Trump should pull out and instead host a Town Hall with a mix of voters and have his own event. And the next moderator was once an intern for Biden. How does that even happen.

  7. So in the next debate, the moderator who at once timed interned for Bidn gets to control the mute button?!?
    Wonder how that’s gonna work out.

    WAIT! We already know…
    Both sides- we already know…

  8. What if trump held a “Protest” event in the parking lot and left the moderator & Biden inside.


    I wonder where the viewers would be…..

  9. This might make it fun and more interesting. The moderator has a mic mute button, but to discourage him from using it to often every time he mutes the mic he receives a low current high voltage shock.. If the time between pushing is to short the voltage increases 10%. 25% if it’s applied to the same candidate twice in a row within a time window. Might as well make it more sporting if they want to go down that road.

  10. Have the mic mute wired from the “moderators” teeth through his penix with him as the conductor. Enough current for connecting and closing the relay.
    If it doesn’t make his eyes water it’s too little.

    Fuck these clown shows, anyway.
    They’re NOT debates by any definition of the word “debate.”

    “Resolved: Joey Biden is a greedy grasping corrupt traitorous maggot.
    Trump takes the Pro,
    Biden takes the Con.
    2 minutes of comment and 2 minutes of rebuttal with 26 minutes of screaming at each other.”

    Joey ain’t gonna tell the truth, anyway, so what’s the point?

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. How’s this. Put up a timeclock that everyone can see. The moderator asks a question on 1 candidate and puts 2 min on the clock. Then, the other candidate gets 2 min on the clock for rebuttal. Then, the first candidate gets 1 min for final response. Then, the moderator asks the other candidate a question and the process repeats.

    If either candidate interrupts the other, the interrupted candidate gets 10 more seconds on the clock, and the interruptor loses 10 seconds from his next time to speak.


    The moderator is NOT in charge of the time clock.

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