Moldin’ Springs – IOTW Report

Moldin’ Springs


A human body was found Tuesday in a western New York reservoir that supplies drinking water to parts of Rochester, prompting city officials to advise residents to boil their water before consuming, the AP reports. Workers with the city’s Water Bureau discovered the body in the Highland Park Reservoir at around 8am while doing routine rounds, officials said. The reservoir was immediately disconnected from the public water supply, with plans to drain and clean it. The city advised residents to bring tap water to a rolling boil, boil for one minute, and cool before using. It said boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, washing dishes, brushing teeth, and preparing food until further notice.


12 Comments on Moldin’ Springs

  1. Oh give me a break. The reservoir likely has an abundance of dead things in it… and you know what the fish do in there, right? Are they changing the sheets, too? Does it have a swimming area? You know what children do in lakes while swimming. What we have here is a let’s-protect-against-complaints-from-the-squishy amongst us. The astronauts collect, process, and drink their own #1. And I’m sure some company somewhere is making Soylent Green to go along with our crickets.

  2. Yet millions of New Yorkers walked around for years wearing those paper face diapers and subjecting themselves to experimental injections to “protect” themselves from catching what is now referred to by the CDC as “a cold”.

  3. Thousands of birds fly over it regularly crapping in it. Fish do all their bodily functions in it and then leave to rot whatever what the scavengers can’t be bothered with. Rain washes down whatever the land animals do in the forest surrounding it.

    You have an immune system for a reason.

  4. I have a cousin who worked at one of the reservoirs in NJ. Once a year they would drain the basins they pump water from. He said if people knew what was in that water before it was processed, they wouldn’t use it to wash their car.

  5. Meanwhile in Texas: In our reservoirs, we ski, swim, motor boat, sail and, at least once, drop a 55 gallon drum of chemical used to make meth.

    We were assured if it leaked it would be too dilute to affect anyone (snicker).

    And people wonder why some Texans can be so ornery.

    I guarantee you none of the reservoirs have ever been drained for the dead bodies that have been found floating in them over the decades they’ve existed.

    It sounds like they don’t process the water at all before piping it to the public.

  6. You know they put half-burned corpses in the Ganges River in India, upstream of where millions drink and bathe, right?

    …yes, its gross, but like someone said above, God gave you an immune system for a reason, and one body isn’t likely to irredeemably contaminate millions of gallons of water, “the solution to pollution is dilution”, after all…

  7. Wild Bill
    That’s gonna be one HELL of a huge and expensive cover.
    Maybe TWO HELLS.


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