Mom and Lesbian Partner Convicted of Murdering Child Which They Initially Blamed On Another Child – IOTW Report

Mom and Lesbian Partner Convicted of Murdering Child Which They Initially Blamed On Another Child

They were also previously convicted of locking a couple of boys in a cage and making them eat dog shit.


The mom of tragic Liam Fee and her lesbian partner have been found guilty of murdering the toddler and falsely blaming his death on another child.

Rachel Fee, 31, and Nyomi Fee, 29, were convicted today of killing two-year-old Liam by inflicting severe blunt force trauma to his body at a house in Fife, Scotland.

The youngster, who had been subjected to a life of pain and neglect, suffered a ruptured heart after sustaining injuries similar to those seen in car crash victims.

The defendants were both also found guilty of wilfully assaulting, neglecting and abusing two young boys, including the one they blamed for Liam’s killing, over a two-year period.

This abuse involved being imprisoned in a home-made cage, given cold showers, tied up in a dark room where snakes and rats were kept, and forced to eat dog excrement, a court heard.


ht/ js

9 Comments on Mom and Lesbian Partner Convicted of Murdering Child Which They Initially Blamed On Another Child

  1. Warrants the death penalty.
    Seeing how the United Kingdom abolished the death penalty for any heinous crime, send them to prison for life and feed them what they fed the young helpless child.

  2. Are there not crimes that warrant execution?
    I understand and agree with the removal of any doubt of guilt, but Should carrying out the sentence and appeals take 20+ years?
    There are hundreds on death row in US prisons who are absolutely guilty of the crimes they were rightly convicted and all appeals are exhausted.
    It is time to Thin the Herd as punishment for the deed and as a deterrent to those contemplating heinous crimes.

  3. And these ruthless bitches demand a special place to meet at resorts and on cruise ships. Just got off of a cruise ship where they all meet up and demand special attention. I’d love to see a silver back tear them apart.

  4. Goldenfoxx, why don’t we just throw them into the gorilla cage at that zoo in Cincinnat?

    Only this time don’t shoot the gorilla. Explain the dykes as an “unscheduled snack” for the gorilla.

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