Mom Confronts Superintendent with Her Own Lies on Mask Rule – IOTW Report

Mom Confronts Superintendent with Her Own Lies on Mask Rule

12 Comments on Mom Confronts Superintendent with Her Own Lies on Mask Rule

  1. If this was just about politics the mask mandates would end. What these school boards fail to disclose is federal money tied to Title I and that some districts received up to $20,000 per student via “Covid Relief” funds. Wear the mask or lose the grants.

    “Everything You Need to Know About Schools and Covid Relief Funds”

    Somebody needs to be asking the right questions. Pointing out the physical and mental health issues in response to masks and the other ineffective CDC recommendations is well and good, but it doesn’t address the basic motivation for these inane policies. When one understands the underlying motivation, it all makes sense.

  2. ….it’s the same for cooked numbers and death wards in hospitals. Hospital admins do not care that beloved family members are dying or that they are barring people from even talking to their dying loved ones. Dead covid patients = Covid Relief funds in the billions.

    Take away every other money-making procedure from a hospital, give them “relief” money for only one disease, and you better bet that everyone checking in will die from/with covid.

  3. Ask yourself this: how is it that the dreaded Corona Virus made it’s debut in Washington State? Do you think that was a coincidence? No, it was by design. In fact the first case of a school being shut down was my kids’ school. Make no mistake about it, Tacoma politicians are just as radical as Seattle and Portland’s, but that is kept out of the general public’s knowledge.

    Inslee was ready on day one to band together with Oregon and California and set the precedent that would shut the entire country down. You think that was a coincidence?

  4. JD – I don’t think Inslee is intelligent enough to be part of the MasterMind. Honest scientists are now in the process — because they now know that everything that came out the NIH and CDC is up for scrutiny — of tracing back to the beginning of the outbreak. One question being asked is how long before covid19 was a “thing” had it actually been circulating. The west coast is generally considered to be the point of entry because all of its ports are usually the first points of entry for air and sea travel from Asia. But those scientists are finding evidence that the virus may have been circulating in WA and CA well before the CDC or the gov’t started instituting lock-downs, school closures, masks and so-called social distancing.

    If Inslee was in on it from the beginning, he overslept. I will say that he, like most of the blue state guvs leapt on the lockdown/shutdown bandwagon double quick. It’s what they do: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Like Newsome, he could see there was a ton of money in it if he played his cards right.

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