Mom reads what her child was forced to read (PORN) her mic gets cut off for inappropriate material – IOTW Report

Mom reads what her child was forced to read (PORN) her mic gets cut off for inappropriate material

@libsoftiktokA mom in @ClarkCountySch reads from a graphic assignment her daughter was required to do. Her mic then gets cut off because it’s inappropriate for a public discussion. Adults can’t handle hearing this content yet they readily give it to kids in school. How does it make sense? WATCH

15 Comments on Mom reads what her child was forced to read (PORN) her mic gets cut off for inappropriate material

  1. Saw this earlier. Totally outrageous. Hollywood movies have ratings and these kids would not be allowed in theaters because of content that is now in the classrooms.

    Yes, get your kids out of these schools.

  2. Leave the government indoctrination schools.
    Christian and Home School are the best choices.

    Unfortunately we will not receive the school taxes taken from us to fund government schools. Laws should be enacted to allow school choice.

    “School Choice” would allow us to apply a portion or all of the local school taxes we pay to fund home school curriculum or Christian school tuition.

    Government has the “control” of the school taxes we pay.
    Many parents are forced to send their children to the failed public indoctrination schools against their wishes.

    Parents are not allowed to make the best choices for their children’s education by not having access to the taxes they pay for their children’s education.

  3. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ @Cato.

    Was just making this exact point to someone the other day.
    I don’t know if it’s feasible (as public schools rely on federal tax dollars in addition to state/local), but states rights are making a comeback, so perhaps???

  4. They are not public schools, they are government schools. The distinction is important and although any actual effect may be minor, I think we should make the effort to refer to them solely as government schools.

  5. Mom’s next action should have been to whip out her phone and call an attorney to sue the ever-loving smirk off their faces for denying her 1A freedom of speech. Too bad about their “decorum” — it was material approved by the school district over which they have influence. And her choice of the word “decorum” is a sh*t pile of hypocrisy, as made evident by the assignment the district/board allowed to go out to students.

    What a world.

  6. …if these districts/boards start feeling the heat of being called “defendant” more often, they’d get their heads screwed on real quick regarding their hiring of teachers and paying attention to the books the librarian buys.

  7. About private “Christian “ schools – sure they’re better, academically, than guvie schools; but, the vast majority accept students from nonChristian families. In my sons car, this did not work out so well. There was a lot of inappropriate material introduced, that my son would not have otherwise been exposed to. Schools need money, so, often dollars take precedent over values.
    We’re in an Evangelical Christian homeschool Pod now and we are very pleased.
    I’m so sad for this young 15 year old girl. I would have pulled my student and called an attorney if one of my children came home with that assignment.


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