Mom Seeks Criminal Charges Against Teacher Who Poured Water on Her Sleeping-in-Class Son – IOTW Report

Mom Seeks Criminal Charges Against Teacher Who Poured Water on Her Sleeping-in-Class Son

EagNews – Officials are investigating allegations a Florida middle school teacher dumped water on a student’s head in class.
Parent Brittany Johnson complained to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office that when she picked her son up from Everitt Middle School on Tuesday, the boy’s shirt and pants were soaking wet. Johnson told police her son said 38-year-old civics teacher Health Walters poured water on his head in class, WJHG reports.

A sheriff’s investigation found the teacher doused the teen with water because he was sleeping in class.

“The report goes on to say that the Tuesday incident was not the first time the student slept in Walters’ class,” WMBB reports. “During previous incidents, she dropped books near him.”

School officials allege Walters “playfully splashed” the student, and promised not to do it again.

“We had a report that a teacher playfully splashed some water on a couple of her students. She meant no harm by it and she’s extremely sorry,” Bay District Schools human resources director Sharon Michalik said. “But she now knows that that’s completely inappropriate and that’s not behavior that we as a district condone on the part of our teachers.”

The incident report states students in the class confirmed the incident occurred, but said it was the first time they’re aware of that the teacher doused a student.

Walters declined to discuss the investigation on the advice of her attorney.

Johnson, meanwhile, is pushing officials to take action, alleging the teacher is a bully.

“I don’t feel like the teacher knew whether or not my son was not feeling well, if he was sick, had been sick, nor did she care to even ask that question before she poured water on his head,” the mother said.

“She did it in front of the whole class and embarrassed my child, he was very upset about it,” she said. “And to see my child upset or any child for that matter … it infuriated me.”

26 Comments on Mom Seeks Criminal Charges Against Teacher Who Poured Water on Her Sleeping-in-Class Son

  1. Another teachable moment…

    Hey Kid, like this:
    Put your chin in the palm of your hand. Your forearm is the lever. Your elbow is the fulcrum. Easy. It’s learning to keep your head balanced in your sleep that takes practice.

    Keep your other other hand holding a page open in the book on your desk. Helps the illusion and osmosis.

    …And always, always wear a coat. Their free at the Nurses Desk.

  2. ““We had a report that a teacher playfully splashed some water on a couple of her students. She meant no harm by it and she’s extremely sorry,” Bay District Schools human resources director Sharon Michalik said. “But she now knows that that’s completely inappropriate and that’s not behavior that we as a district condone on the part of our teachers.””

    Yea liberal motherfuckers, do it on a muslem and you’d call it waterboarding. 😉

  3. As both a parent and former serial classroom sleeper, I say this kid got off easy. We had a history teacher who would leave you sleeping and at the end of class would personally orchestrate getting your class out of the room quietly while getting the next class into the room equally quietly. I can tell from experience it is very disorienting to wake up in a classroom full of people you’ve never had a class with before.

    This parent needs to get a grip on both her kid and her own sensibilities.

  4. Sleipnir: Do they still have erasers in school? I should think they would have been banned because having to recognize mistakes might jar the self-image of the precious snowflakes.

  5. If your kid was sick you should’ve kept him home you stupid bitch. But everyone knows that’s just bullshit and a more likely explanation is you’re a lousy parent who let’s the little bastard run wild to all hours of the night and that’s why he regularly sleeps in class.

  6. Water(school)boarding?
    Hey Teach, (who the hell names their kid ‘Health’?), why don’t you make your class (indoctrination study) a bit more interesting? Maybe the kids might try to stay awake.

  7. One of my classmates fell asleep in organic chemistry. She was in her 2nd trimester of pregnancy, worked nights as a CNA and was doing her prerequisites for nursing school like the rest of us. The professor threw a textbook at her and hit her abdomen.

    He knew she was pregnant.

    She dropped the class but the rest of us pursued his removal from the staff with an unholy vengeance.

  8. “Well, at least he didn’t get sent to the principals office and get whacked on the ass with a big paddle. Remember those days?”
    Ah yes, the “Board of Education.”

  9. If Mom wants to play hardball then so should the School Teacher and sic the Children’s Aid on the mother. There has to be a reason that the child is constantly dozing off in class, something that’s happening in the home. Let CA open a file on the family then see of the kid dozes off again or Mom still insists on a criminal charge.

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