Mommy, I Love You – IOTW Report

Mommy, I Love You

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25 Comments on Mommy, I Love You

  1. Thanks for this Claudia.
    To the moms out there, ‘Happy Mother’s Day’.
    To those who have lost children, may you find God’s comfort.
    To my childless friend out there, (I know she reads IOTW, but never comments). Thank you for all the loving influence you have had on my kids over the years. I hope you all have a blessed day.

  2. Thanks for all the cuteness and love, Claudia!

    What in the world is the pair right above the foxes? They look suspicious with that smirky smile.

    I see that road-crossing lessons start early for chickens…

    Which reminds me of a conversation I had with a female friend a week ago. During our conversation she said something like: “Yeah, baby animals are always so cute.” I had just done a job where a featherless youngster had died on the ground below a dryer vent Mom had set up a nest in. I had taken the picture to show the customer what the problem was. Nothing wrong with it except for being dead, but it was pretty ugly without any feathers. Showed it to my friend. “Ew”

    ‘Yeah, baby animals aren’t always cute.’

    Dadof4, I think it’s a type of quoll. They are from Australia and a type of marsupial. The largest are the Tasmanian Devils. – claudia

  3. Happy Mothers’ Day to all Moms.
    Theirs is a daunting task, indeed.

    These are all great pics, Claudia, but I am partial to the elephants…a thing the size of a bus leading the little one along by the trunk.

  4. 2. “Uh hi, yeah uh, you wouldn’t know another dog that’s nursing would you ’cause you know, I could use a little help here.”
    5. “Giddyup mama, faster, faster! Yippe-Kai-Ye Mot…..” Mama bear: “don’t say it junior!”
    7. “Hey what are you doing in there? I’m not a cruise ship!” Baby swans: “I can’t find the buffet” “Yeah when is the next dinner serving?” ” I missed lunch.”
    8. “…and if you place a cat in each log you know what you have? A catalog. Ha ha ha get it? .. because catsalog doesn’t work that’s why”
    9. “why did the…. what the heck are those things anyway?”
    10. “You’re the best mommie ever and I’m not lion. ha ha ha”
    15. Baby bear: “mommmm! Mommmm! Stop it, the guys are watching. Mommmm!”
    17. “Mom there’s a long furry snake back here.”

    Wonderful as always, Claudia. Thank you.

    Happy Mothers day to all of the mothers. Hope you have a great day.

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