Momo Will Challenge No More – IOTW Report

Momo Will Challenge No More

The “Momo Challenge” reportedly would occur when a child received the image of the grotesque doll in social media. Children would then receive a series of task to complete or be inundated with threats and gory images on their device. The story took off this last summer when public officials in various nations began issuing warnings about the challenge leading to suicides.

Turns none of those stories have been substantiated and the whole thing is being dismissed as viral urban myth. More here and here

In order to set things right Keisuke Aiso, Momo’s creator, has stated that “The children can be reassured Momo is dead – she doesn’t exist and the curse is lifted.” More

12 Comments on Momo Will Challenge No More

  1. How did this “Artist?” ever think this was a cute idea? How is it o.k. for him to post this on peoples social media without permissions? Wouldn’t this fall in the area of hacking? I know I get pretty ticked off when I go to an article and crap pops up trying to let you think you’ve won something. Sometimes I can only get rid of it by deleting the whole damn page. Don’t tell me Google and the like can’t eliminate all this crap!

  2. So we are assured Michelle Obama is not running for president nor will ride a VP ticket for 2020? Because I’m frightened. 😳🤞
    The Dems will rail Bernie off the track, insert MO and then the plebes will fawn over her.

  3. To me, the sculpture is a variation of the harpy from ancient mythology. When you see the full sculpture, you can see that the head has been styled to appear bird-like.

    It’s still unsettling as hell, tho…

  4. That is indeed an Ocasio-Cortez doll, Dr. Tar. If there’s voodoo involved, I suggest strategically-placed pins until the real one finally shuts up. Or else, just burn it with a leg of a chicken and TCB quickly.


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