‘Monday Night Football’ Suffers Lowest Early Game Numbers in over a Decade – IOTW Report

‘Monday Night Football’ Suffers Lowest Early Game Numbers in over a Decade


The NFL’s primetime numbers suffered greatly during the season opener, and on Sunday Night Football. And as the early returns from Monday Night Football start to trickle in, that trend doesn’t look like it’s changing.

According to Austin Karp — assistant managing editor at SportsBusiness Daily — the numbers for the early game were historically low:

ESPN’s “Monday Night Football” overnights: 7.5 rating for Jets-Lions in early window. 7.0 rating for Rams-Raiders late. Tough comp to 2017 with Hurricane Irma. However, last night is pretty low historically for “MNF” opening doubleheader


18 Comments on ‘Monday Night Football’ Suffers Lowest Early Game Numbers in over a Decade

  1. This could all be a scheme to lower the value so that people like Puff Daddy and Jay Z could buy a team for cheap.

    Not a single team has black ownership though the teams are 90% black.

    Don’t underestimate that angle. Blacks want to be slaveowners too. The slaves would just prefer if their owners looked like them when they cut them for an injury or getting too old.

  2. The games take too long w too many penalties commercials and timeouts. Timeout kickoff timeout isnt a winning strategy in this day and age. Too many alternatives and people are less patient in the digital age. Kaps antics hastened the decline. I think also most nfl teams are sort of .5 arsed, there are the patriots and then whoever they play in the super bowl. Meh

  3. I see the players on their knees crawling back to the ghetto from where they came from. It’s really a delight to watch. 90% of them have squandered their money away within 2 years of retiring. They’ll either be in prison or a coffin, either way no one will care.

  4. The NFL players who are 90% black are taking a knee in protest of the likelihood that blacks in America are more likely to have an unpleasant encounter with a police officer?

    Maybe the NFL players union should forbid members from:
    buying Ferraris, Bugattis, McLarens, etc, and driving them while drunk/high,
    shooting up nightclubs in the wee hours while drunk/high,
    beating down their trophy baby-mamas, while drunk/high,
    blowing their outlandish salaries on drugs and bad choices?

    Maybe Ray Lewis was a bad choice for their Hall of Fame ?!

  5. Were in not for welfare from at least 3 levels of government: fed, state, county, city… Roger Goodell would be unemployed by noon! He ok’d the Nike add which was good for Nike and very bad for the NFL – As I said it would be a week ago. I GOTTA SAY “I TOLD YA SO!”!

    Lats year America hater Roger refused to let 5 different pro America adds be played on NFL broadcasts. 4 of them by vet groups like VFW and Am legion, including 2 denied for Super Bowl – WHICH I DID NOT WATCH!

    Some of us (the real bitter clingers) were aware of Goodell’s America hate many years ago. In ’15 an “amateur” politician made the world painfully aware of Goodell’s hate for America!

    By running the Nike ad Roger proved that Don was right 3 years ago; AND DON IS STILL RIGHT!

    The broad majority of football fans 3 years ago were folk who live America. Roger has driven many of those America ours away from NFL. This weekend Goodell pushed many more America lovers out of the NFL fan group! If the taxpayers were not subsidizing football; many, not all, would be losing $!

    MANY OWNERS HATE AMERICA ALMOST AS MUCH AS GOODELL! But they do not want to end up in “The Poor House”! Which is precisely where they’d be in ’19 were it not for the very generous taxpayers!

  6. Che, your on to something but it isn’t to let Jay-Z have a team, well maybe allow one token AA owner. I think Goodell’s plan at the instruction of the owners is to tank NFL rating (read ad revenue) to something so low that there will be less $$$ coming in by the time a new player’s agreement needs to be hashed out. I’m sure the owner’s have figured it out that most franchises have new to fairly new stadiums, so that is set, now they need to bring down the cost of labor.

    My 2 cents

  7. I was flipping channels Monday night and stopped at the game for a minute.
    I had no intention to watch the NFL but just curios who was calling the game.
    It was a woman. She sounded like a librarian.
    Weak voice, boring monotone and ignorant. Pathetic.

    ESPN has gone all in on PC bullshit.
    I wouldn’t mind a knowledgeable woman with a strong voice but this was pathetic.

    Game over.

  8. @Loco: A couple of my friends posted on FB about this woman’s patheticness as well. I haven’t watched the No Fun League since ’16 so I had no idea about the kerfuffle. Can’t stand Doris Whatsherface who does the NBA – her lisp is SO annoying! Plus she rarely adds anything to the conversation.

  9. Wrt female announcers the fact always will be that they have never played a down of organized football even at pee wee level. Any guy who even played hs football knows infinitely more than any female announcer. Cant know it if you havent done it. The female football ‘announcers’ just embarrass themselves, most guys i know just mute them. Sorry girls

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