Monica Crowley Vindicated by Columbia University After Fake Plagiarism Accusations from CNN, Establishment Media – IOTW Report

Monica Crowley Vindicated by Columbia University After Fake Plagiarism Accusations from CNN, Establishment Media


Treasury Department Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs Monica Crowley has been vindicated by Columbia University after a years-long investigation ultimately concluded she did not plagiarize her thesis, despite allegations by CNN and other establishment media outlets that she did.

Crowley, now the Treasury Department’s top spokeswoman but previously a Fox News contributor, had been under consideration to join the National Security Council (NSC) in the White House at the very beginning of President Donald Trump’s administration under his first national security adviser, retired Gen. Mike Flynn. Then, allegations from CNN and Politico, among other publications, claimed that she plagiarized her 2012 book and her thesis at Columbia, sparking Columbia to launch a review of her thesis that has now concluded.

The review found Crowley did not commit research misconduct, and sources familiar with the investigation added that the university is “not disciplining her in any way.” The university also, the source familiar with the details of the investigation told Breitbart News, found no research misconduct by Crowley. She encourages the public to read her PhD dissertation—which is about U.S.-China relations—because it is a clearly newsworthy topic and added she is proud of her work. read more

9 Comments on Monica Crowley Vindicated by Columbia University After Fake Plagiarism Accusations from CNN, Establishment Media

  1. There was an episode of MASH (the tv show) in which the gang created a fictional but very heroic deceased soldier (“Captain Tuttle”) as an excuse to get away with some mischief. The comedy came when everyone in the army wanted better bragging rights in seeming to know the guy.

    This is exactly like obama at columbia. Except even though he accomplished nothing in reality, obama is less accomplished as the fictional Captain Tuttle. Except for pardoning transvestite traitors and deserters.

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