Monopoly Game Wants You To Vote On Their New Tokens – IOTW Report

Monopoly Game Wants You To Vote On Their New Tokens

They are opening it up to votes.


I don’t think I was ever the wheelbarrow.

Let me guess what people are nominating-

A transgender.

A Syrian.

A Mexican.

Okay, I just looked.

They have a cat.

A Hashtag.

An Emoji.

An antique cell phone.

A Vespa.


A Tub … A TUB!!!!!  I vote for the tub.


See more here.

ht/ illustr8r





47 Comments on Monopoly Game Wants You To Vote On Their New Tokens

  1. I don’t see my all-time favorite, the cannon. I’m still bitterly clinging to the one I have from an old set from decades ago. If they want it, they’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


  2. The original Darrow patent (1935) featured six tokens: Thimble, Cannon, Iron, Top Hat, Boot, Battleship.

    Added in 1936: Race Car, Purse, Rocking Horse, Lantern.

    Fala died in 1952 and a Scottish Terrier was then added as a token.

  3. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Unless you want to totally piss off the game playing public and make yourself irrelevant and bankrupt.
    There’s already enough specialized versions of monopoly, why mess with the “original”?

  4. Who needs new tokens? Everyone who wants a MONOPOLY set has already bought one, or has their Grandparents’ edition.

    The game takes too damn long to finish. 🙁

    If they insist on new tokens, add a few hookers to give realism to the Atlantic City game board.

  5. Emblems for our (temporary) times:

    – immigration criminal grabbing his “package” with one hand and flipping the bird with the other.
    – angry shouting mohammadman with clenched fist
    – pajama boy
    – smart phone obsessive walking into lamp post
    – “urban youth” in hoodie holding his 9 sideways

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