Montana Medically Kidnapped 14 y/o to Wyoming for “Gender Affirming Care,” Revokes Parental Custody – IOTW Report

Montana Medically Kidnapped 14 y/o to Wyoming for “Gender Affirming Care,” Revokes Parental Custody

GP: In a controversial and heart-wrenching case, Montana’s Child Protective Services has been accused of forcibly transporting a 14-year-old girl from her family in Montana to Wyoming for gender transition treatment, leading to a complete revocation of her parents’ custody.

23 Comments on Montana Medically Kidnapped 14 y/o to Wyoming for “Gender Affirming Care,” Revokes Parental Custody

  1. It is my greatest hope to someday sit on a jury for a trial in which one of these victimized children (as opposed to just a screwed up adult) decides to take revenge on their parent(s), doctor, teacher, psychiatrist, etc. Regardless of the charges, regardless of the evidence, regardless of the body count…I’m voting not guilty. This is nothing but child abuse and a crime against humanity.

  2. Just chipping away all family values, diminish the value of life, and do away with commonsense.
    It hasn’t been to long ago, that that 2 gay guys, couldn’t have adopted 2 daughters.
    Then let one of them intern for Harvey Weinstein.
    Connect the dots.

  3. Doc
    Walked to the gallows? Oh, HELL to the no!
    Dragged behind a pickup truck down five miles of gravel road to the gallows…..if there’s anything left, dead OR alive.

  4. And that includes the public defender and the hospital aide that groomed the child.

  5. 20 years ago President told us your kids are the government’s! GOPe chuckled and said,”He’s being facetious; you conservatives are just trouble makers!”.

    It seems- 20 years later – he was accurately stating “Deep State” policy.
    Kids belong to government not to family!

  6. 20 years ago President told us your kids are the government’s! GOPe chuckled and said,”He’s being facetious; you conservatives are just trouble makers!”.

    It seems- 20 years later – he was accurately stating “Deep State” policy.
    Kids belong to government not to family!

  7. Maine has a bill in Legislature being considered that allows the state to not only kidnap children whose parents don’t go along with the mutilation but allows the state to kidnap children if they’re here from out of state and their patents don’t want them mutilated.

    Mr. Beachmom retires in 4 yrs and we’re seriously considering leaving this state.
    Liberal turn everything they touch to trash.

  8. HA! My friend the CHP officer retired and high-tailed it to Montana because California sucks! Tell me again that Montana is a conservative State and it’s almost Shang-ra-La. Can’t wait to see an interview when that faggot turns into an adult and realizes the mistake they made. We all know that’s coming, maybe a suicide thrown in too. One more thing, the parents should give one more cent for it’s upbringing for the next 3 or so years when it turns 18.

  9. ^^^^^^SHOULDN’T GIVE^^^^^ another cent for that child’s well being. I’m sure they’ll hit the parents up for medical, college, and a big spending account. For the rest of the parents life, that kid will be a burr in their ass.

  10. Someone should ask Goldenfoxx how much she’s paying for home owners insurance right now. Yes, California sucks. If you live in a zip code that is rural look out. People are being canceled right and left. They’re only option is a state run program that starts at 10K annually. Newsom caused every bit of this.

  11. @Brad: I pay $1500 a year for my fire insurance. My sister who lives in Texas is paying twice, what I pay and twice the property taxes. Prop 13 works for me.

    @Ed, I stick by what I said.

    Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? It seems that way since I discovered Trump was a faggot lover. /just saying

  12. Goldenfoxx

    Are you sure you live in California. The Carriers go by zip code. 95762 residents are being canceled right and left and forced to go to the state run “FAIR PLAN”. And where you live is a much higher fire risk. Amazing

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