Moonbat MSNBC Host: People Are Too Dumb to Understand Hillary’s ‘Complicated’ E-Mail Scandal – IOTW Report

Moonbat MSNBC Host: People Are Too Dumb to Understand Hillary’s ‘Complicated’ E-Mail Scandal

TammyBruce: And MSNBC hosts are too dumb to understand why Fox News clobbers them in the ratings.

Via NewsBusters.

In a similar performance from the previous weekend MSNBC’s Joy Reid took to the camera Sunday to play down the seriousness of Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail scandal. As opposed to going on her show— AM Joy – andshouting down a panelist for states damaging facts, this time she went on NBC’s Meet the Press and insulted the public claiming they were too stupid to understand the issue. “The curse for her is that trying to explain it, her answers are so detailed and complicated, that when you explain you’re losing,” she explained to the panel….

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13 Comments on Moonbat MSNBC Host: People Are Too Dumb to Understand Hillary’s ‘Complicated’ E-Mail Scandal

  1. Dumb IS as Dumb DOES…. MSNBC should have their FCC licenses jerked and never renewed…Maybe Trump will get around to that. What they do is worse than lying or misleading by intent…it is traitorous!!

  2. Anyone who allows themselves to be interviewed by the MSNBC deserves whatever happens to them.
    I hope that Trump turns down and denies every interview request from them and their Komrades. And kicks them out of the WH press pool when he’s sworn in.

  3. Too true- otherwise they would not be working at MSNBC or describe themselves as Hillary voters.

    This is not just a regular level of stupid talking. This is the kind of stupid that thinks it’s smarter than everyone else in the room and is talking down to everyone thinking everyone else is too dim to understand the insults it is kicking out. Its a smug stupid with no self awareness. If we were not talking about the possibility that Hillary will win as a direct result of this level of stupid it would be funny.

  4. Further proof that most television “journalists” are pompous halfwits. No wonder millions have turned off all television “news” over the past several years. All those “stupid” people were sick of the leftist lies and propaganda. Most television “journalists” are lower than thieves and deserve to be treated poorly when they are out in public. If you see one when you’re out somewhere, mock and ridicule him (or her).

  5. there is no such thing as unbiased journalism anymore, just sensationalism and hype for killary. these idjuts (that’s someone too stupid to call an idiot)had better wake up and smell the roses. the cankledate they have hyped for so long is going down in flames. There’s gonna be a lot of new news faces next year. nTrump never forgets a slight.

  6. @Voir – MSPMS doesn’t hae an FCC license. That’s a cable channle, not Broadcast.
    But everyone that works there should have their gov’t pensions revoked 🙂

  7. “The curse for her is that trying to explain it, her answers are so detailed and complicated, that when you explain you’re losing,”

    but less than if you told the simple truth.

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