Moore Crushes Strange in Alabama – IOTW Report

Moore Crushes Strange in Alabama


54 Comments on Moore Crushes Strange in Alabama

  1. Moore smoked not only Strange, but the established knows they are on notice. Bob corker r Tennessee announced today that he will not seek re-election. Jeff flake. R az is about to have his ass handed to him.

    Stay tuned.

  2. Mo(o)re winning.

    Again, another example of McCONnell’s failed leadership. Pissing away $Millions to beat a Republican conservative candidate. Divisive act by an ineffective,paranoid Senate Leader, well, no shit.

  3. Judge Moore wins Alabama…
    The Senate dinosaur wasted $10M republican dollars on a loser,
    What is he going to do to recoup those funds,
    Write a check?
    Another failure for a big loser!

  4. This is not a Trump defeat. Trump is playing 3D chess. He went out and supported the McConnell puppet in case he won and then would owe allegiance to Trump for the endorsement. Moore is behind Trump 1000% and understands the strategic endorsement. Moore will not be pulling a McCain. Watch the President personally campaign for Moore in Alabama.
    It was a strategic WIN/WIN situation for Trump. McConnell, Ryan, Flake has been sent the horse’s head. They better get on board with Trump.

  5. Mr.Pinko

    Posted the same thing a couple days ago. Palin is not showing up against DJT unless it was planned. Lot’s of political theatrics going on here. Bottom line Turtle Boy is now a frightened turtle.

  6. “Sabastian Gorka and Steve Bannon TEAM HONEY BADGER get the β€œw.”

    No, no. no. This game is a lot more three dimensional than that. Are Gorka and Bannon doing more good on the out side? probably. In my opinion Bannon’s threats were ridiculous. How does he plan on making private individuals and cooperations pay the price? Stupid shit to say. Please review his talking points. He’s NOT DJT. A rank amateur.

  7. Agree w/Mr. Pinko and BadBrad. If the establishment candidate won, President Trump could go to the Rhinos and say, I played nice, now your turn. A Moore win lets him say to the Rhinos, I tried it your way but the people have spoken so we’re going to drain the swamp.

  8. December special election means Moore will be in office by January! Mr Turtle’s allies slipping away. Palin is right, we need Godly people that are called to serve, not businessmen lining their pockets.


    quit listening to your establishment advisors, and GO WITH YOUR GUT….your gut feelings got you elected, and your gut feelings will bring you victory EVERY TIME…..

    also, NEVER listen to the mitch or the paul, or anyone else like them……they are the serpents in the garden….only there for ONE REASON, which is to lead you to destruction……..

  10. brad – i kinda think if he WERE moe tom, it would say MOE TOM…..i kinda think it would not say TOM MOE…….i mean, seriously, why would he suddenly change his name????… haven’t changed you name…i haven’t changed my name….loco saltime ain’t changed his name….deplorable confederate general changes his name all the time, but we always know who he is…….

    sorry….TOM MOE is NOT moe tom, and we know it…..

  11. FTA: He ran a spirited campaign centered around a dissatisfaction with the progress made in Washington. I share that frustration and believe that enacting the agenda the American people voted for last November requires us all to work together,” McConnell said in the statement. “We look forward to Judge Moore’s help enacting that agenda .”

    You “share frustration” about the lack of progress made in Washington, Mitch? You have to be kidding me– you’re orchestrating it!

  12. What is he going to do to recoup those funds,
    Write a check?.

    No, expect another “survey”/fundraising letter. The last one I sent back, “GFY” was the politest thing on it. I haven’t gotten another one in the last year or so.


  13. I’m probably wrong, but I believe Trump’s endorsement of Strange was to get McConnell to finally get Obamacare replaced. Well, if that was true then McConnell sure fell short of that agreement and note how long they dragged that out; right to the day of the election before the senate put a fork in it and said they couldn’t do it.

    The Primary is over. It’s time for republicans to come together and defeat the democrat. Whether they do or not will tell us if the establishment republicans wanted Luther Strange to fight democrats… or to help the GOPe fight Trump.

  14. God Bless Alabama.

    Back in Mississippi we used to make a bunch of ‘Bama jokes – all in good fun, of course – but the ‘Bamas have really stood up (at least 55% of the voters) this time.

    Hope for America, yet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. who are the other squishy rpublican Swamp sentors that we need to primary and shitcan?
    Corker (self-fired)

    who did I miss?

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