More and More Gays Coming Out of the Closet… For Trump – IOTW Report

More and More Gays Coming Out of the Closet… For Trump

This video was made back in October of 2015, but since Orlando, more and more gays are figuring out that Trump is the vote that will serve their best interests.


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14 Comments on More and More Gays Coming Out of the Closet… For Trump

  1. Not even Sanfagdisco is 5% gay.
    If 20% of the gays came out and voted for Trump, it would almost offset the voters who couldn’t make it to the polls over a bad battery or flat tire.

  2. I don’t hold gays in a very positive light, but if they wanna vote Trump, I ain’t gonna stop them. If there’s anything more horrendous than the gay lifestyle it’s PP. You know exactly 0% of PP would ever support even a 1980s’ Democrat.

  3. If you silly lib gays haven’t figured it out yet,
    Democrats place Islam above you on the feeding scale.

    You are fodder to them. Good luck with that.

    0bama had a gay history and hates himself for it.
    That’s why you get killed and nothing gets done.
    If it was a white mass murderer he would campaign on it.

    Don’t expect anything more than “words” and distraction from The ONE.
    Also, don’t expect Crooked Hillary to be any different.
    $100 million from the Saudi goes a long way towards memory loss.

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