More Antifa scum sucker -punching old people – IOTW Report

More Antifa scum sucker -punching old people

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

16 Comments on More Antifa scum sucker -punching old people

  1. So brave. What the hell is wrong that people don’t carry canes or pepper spray to fight the rabid beasts off? Or their own water bottles, or go in crowds large enough that the rabid bullies won’t pick on?

    They are so chicken shit they have to bully families with small children, punch from behind and run like chickens, attack alone older citizens, pick on small women. Peaceful my ass. They need to find peace in jail.

  2. I posted this on the “Audit The Elections” thread:

    More to come tomorrow from Gov. Inslee in the Soviet State.

    TV stations here are DENYING any ‘evidence’ of vote switching or election fraud.

    It’s going to get difficult to separate the COVID crap from the election battle from the coming battle in the streets.

    I’m very concerned tonight that the three Western governors have a plan to cut-off Washington, Oregon and California from the rest of the country – depending on what happens in the coming weeks and months. Tell me I’m wrong to think that.

  3. @Jimmy It’s gonna be like March all over again. I read on a few of the local FB pages I follow that Costco was out of toilet paper and paper towels. Fred Meyers was packed. It seems early for Thanksgiving shopping. Everyone is planning for the big lockdown I think.

    WA is super mask compliant and yet-here we are. 🤷‍♀️

  4. Yeah, here we go again, Illustr8r. But this time, the election hangs in the balance and with it the prospect of a ‘violent reaction.’ The coordinated, Chinese-funded SWAMP is implementing their ‘contingency plan,’ in my opinion. And the West Coast is a big part of it. Pin it down. Pin down our military here. I said this before and took some puzzled flak for it.

    I’m not liking this one bit. I’ve looked at Snohomish County numbers and there is absolutely NO justification for any new restrictions. None!

    December 14 is the announced end date for the new edicts. Wanna bet Inslee extends them right through the winter?

    Trump doesn’t have much time. Mr. President, we’re waiting for the hammer to drop.

  5. @Jimmy I hadn’t seen the Dec. 14 date yet, that’s news. Well, if we can’t gather for Thanksgiving you know he’ll extend it through Christmas then.

    I really think Inslee believes everyone in WA state works in high tech. They can afford to stay and work from home and life doesn’t change that much for them. It shows little compassion for other businesses fighting to adapt to his regulations. Big Tech and Big Lib keep him employed. So, no ski season either? Best those areas return to their natural state to fight climate change.

  6. @Jimmy and Illustr8r
    Political health officials, hospital administrators and quack doctors have been pressuring our governor for mask mandates and shut downs. He has never issued mask mandates and I don’t think he ever will. He did do the shut downs once and has said he won’t do it again. I am grateful I live in a red state where we don’t put up with BLM and Antifa, ask some of those still sitting in jail awaiting trial.

    However, I have been hearing plumbing and HVAC contractors who have a plan if they attempt it again. They will refuse to be essential, so no unclogging backed up toilets after idiots stop them up with paper towels, no more repairing HVAC so you won’t be cold.

    People might be founding out plumbers and HVAC techs are a little more important than they thought.
    That though is the way to fight back against these tyrannical governors, get the people who nobody ever thinks much about until they need them to refuse to work during shut downs, when people have shit literally flowing in their floors, pipes freezing and bursting because they have no heat, food spoiling because the maytag man might catch covid and can’t fix your refrigerator, etc.

  7. These pieces of shit are what we are dealing with. And make no mistake about it, this piece of shit is well within the Democrat mainstream. Well within. If he were not Democrats would be the first in line to see him charged and prosecuted to the extent the law would allow. Well within the Democrat mainstream.

  8. Jimmy and Illust8r, I am not looking forward to Pinheadslee shutting down the State of Washington this morning. And why Sunday, is he deliberately trying to rub it into our faces? What a major league prick! If he shuts us down and we can’t make our deliveries, what am I supposed to do. Hopefully my boss an ex Marine will defy him and tell him to go to Hell. It won’t go well in Eastern Wash. and other rural parts of this state. Governor Pinheadslee we in Wash, Oregon and California are not an ecotopia (more like a rapidly creeping dystopia) like you want us to be, so fuck off and leave us the Hell alone. I will not comply, ever!


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