More Brennan Notes Further Implicates Obama In Hillary’s Russia Hoax – IOTW Report

More Brennan Notes Further Implicates Obama In Hillary’s Russia Hoax


Newly declassified documents show former CIA Director John Brennan took notes after briefing President Barack Obama on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s plans to frame then presidential candidate Donald Trump as a Russian asset. The briefing took place during the 2016 presidential election. More

9 Comments on More Brennan Notes Further Implicates Obama In Hillary’s Russia Hoax

  1. They will all continue to skate. This country no longer has any equity. You know, that word that they love to use? There was a time when politicians faced the same consequences as their countrymen. Not anymore, we have a two tier justice system. The last thing these people want is equal protection under the law. Because they would ALL be in prison. Or under it.

  2. If this asshole had 1 once of the courage he pretends to have, he would get a 1911, sit at his desk, write a confession, and send a .45 through the top of his head.


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