More copycat ice cream lickers – IOTW Report

More copycat ice cream lickers

45 Comments on More copycat ice cream lickers

  1. I would personally give each of them 20 licks with a Singapore rattan cane and that includes the minor. By the time I got through with the dirty motherfuckers the rest of their life they wouldn’t be able to walk down the frozen food aisle without breaking into the cold sweats.

  2. Once found, give him what he really deserves, a post hole digging, dry ice packing, traffic cone inserting rocky road ice cream plunging topped off with 200 psi pressure washer infused with hot fudge.
    Sure it sounds cruel, but after that no one that lived has ever done it again.
    JUSTICE SERVED! ps- worked for Baskins-Robbins in high school, it worked back then. The cops just laughed so hard,,,

  3. How’d he get the lid off so fast? All the ice cream containers now have a plastic safety cuff around the top-don’t they? Then pull open the lid it’s always sort of stuck to the ice cream.

    Staged and stupid. Filmed by…a son/daughter as a dare? Wait till his wife finds out.

  4. Unfortunately, Larry the Liberal, I do believe that is the sentiment with a lot of the public nowadays — because he’s a certain color, he gets a pass.

  5. How’d he get the lid off so fast? All the ice cream containers now have a plastic safety cuff around the top-don’t they?

    I don’t think Blue Bell does. It’s been a few month since I bought a carton.

    I’m sure they are installing equipment as fast as they can to put shrink wrap over the lid.

  6. These black douche bags must have watched that movie, The Help, where a black woman put her own feces in a white woman’s chocolate pie. Hollywood (and Obama) has taught them that lily white crackers deserve it. When things boil over and the SHTF, we should not forget to cleanse Hollywood.

  7. Hey, folks, it’s just multiculturalism, right? Getting us all woke an’ down with disease. Wait’ll they import some people infected with ebola and show them the ice cream …

  8. Right on cue, as predicted. It will only get worse AND EVERY INCIDENT WILL NOT END UP ON VIDEO. You won’t know where or when.

    Freedom of speech and press does not apply when laws are being broken.

    Solution: hold any media outlet or platform legally responsible for damages and prosecution if they do not disincentivize the illegality they are hereby promoting.

    Stores will now also be putting security cameras in every aisle, leading to prosecution. That’s a start but it won’t be enough.

  9. since nobody on the left has ANY morals at all they should be treated the exact same way a rabid dog who just bit someone is…. except minus the rabies test.

    Now that is fair seeing as how these leftist losers never learned the value of a reading the 10 commandments let alone practicing them so lets just end this shitshow at the beginning and send them ALL back to their master, satan.

  10. Adulteration of food aside, this is essentially theft. A few public prosecutions may have salient effects.

    Decriminalizing shoplifting because nonviolent and “victimless” is the wrong way to go.

  11. “Adulteration of food aside, this is essentially theft. A few public prosecutions may have salient effects.”

    They’ll claim they were off their meds, depressed, fat, drunk, retarded, autistic, addicted, sleepwalking, bullied into doing it, whatever, and gain enough sympathy that little to nothing happens. Like that black asshole who gained a following by trolling white people on camera then recently whined that it wasn’t really his fault. People believed him.

    No…the platforms that promote, allow and reward this wickedness need to be held criminally responsible. “But we can’t be held responsible for what people post on our platform!” should be irrelevant when you monetize it.

  12. Black people ruin everything. Truly. Loud, obnoxious, ebonical, pack oriented, spiteful, entitled, smug. I live in the south and they are out there, in droves, ruining EVERYTHING.

  13. It is not the color of their skin but the content of their character that causes this behavior. There are all flavors of people with this getto attitude. Destruction of the family unit, with it’s civilizing influence, gets a big blame.

    I cringe when comments in this forum generalize the behavior of “blacks”. Put yourself in the place of a black conservative and imagine how you would react to some of the more racial posts. An this is coming from a white boy happily living deep in the Piney Woods of East Texas who remembers separate water fountains, bathrooms, and schools in his youth. Racial relations were so much better before the left started stirring up resentment and division for their political gain

  14. The only seal on Blue Bell is the slightly overflowing Ice Cream sticking to the lid.
    But yes, I imagine they’re going to need that little plastic seal now as well.
    I would surprise cold-cock that sonofabitch, then innocently walk away.

  15. Cherrybark JULY 8, 2019 AT 8:10 AM

    It is not the color of their skin but the content of their character that causes this behavior. There are all flavors of people with this getto attitude. Destruction of the family unit, with it’s civilizing influence, gets a big blame.

    I cringe when comments in this forum generalize the behavior of “blacks”.

    Here’s some extra TUs for you.


    Being hateful and racist isn’t going to fix anything. Just continues keeping things in a bad state.

    You never change anything for the better without love being at the heart of it.

  16. Cherrybark and Dadof4, I heartily agree.

    Fur has kept this site free from membership and moderation (maybe a handful of times in the eleven years I’ve seen Fur remove a comment) (well, except for spam. They hit us infrequently, but we try to catch it when they do) so there are some comments in bad taste.

    Thank you for speaking up. It’s a pleasure to read.


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