More Dbag NeverTrump Try To Apologize and Move On – IOTW Report

More Dbag NeverTrump Try To Apologize and Move On

Glenn Beck thinks its adequate enough to say “oops, I was wrong about Trump, I apologize.”

Discussing the outstanding pick of Gorsuch for Supreme Court, Beck and his idiot cohorts said, “we’re thrilled to be wrong.”

These morons said that there was “no difference between Hillary and Trump!”

Beck said we were all idiots for believing Trump would ever nominate anyone but a liberal to the Supreme Court, saying that he would listen to his liberal daughter, Ivanka, for guidance.

This is not being wrong about your Super Bowl prediction. Beck, and every other NeverTrump schmuck, did whatever they could dissuade Trump supporters from voting for Trump, which would have changed the course of world history, subjecting us to a full court press of progressivism.

This is not a “whoopsie daisy,” sheepish shrug moment. You should pay with your public life. You should pack up and go away. You are not good at what you do and do not deserve any pulpit to continue to pontificate about ANYTHING.

NEVER FORGET is the theme of this Sundance rant.


37 Comments on More Dbag NeverTrump Try To Apologize and Move On

  1. GTFOut, drama queen, get the fuck off the air.

    When you go low and to the left with your expectations, be ready to man up when the opposite happens.

    I can’t stand ball lickers.

  2. Beck’s actions are unforgivable–he provided the political equivalent of “aid and comfort to the enemy.” Clinton, her political machine, and her politics were an existential threat to the well-being of the country and he either missed this or ignored it. Either way, there is no coming back.

  3. They’re running a promo for Erick Erickson on WSB750, touting his network of nevertrump moles with access to leaks and inside info on Trump. Of course, WSB doesn’t say it like I did, but y’all know the deal.

    Underneath all of the pleasantries and apologies, there lies a burning desire in the nevertrump heart to ultimately be proven right about Trump. They’ll never fully accept him and will turn on him in a heartbeat if they see a chance.

  4. He can kiss my ass.
    He openly threw down with the left, appearing on their shows to agree with everything the left had to say about Trump, to throw up roadblocks, call voters anti-Christian, racist, etc., and campaigned for anyone but Trump even after he won the top spot.
    Like I said, Kiss my ass.

  5. I won’t forget what he and all the other nevertrumpers did this past election cycle.
    Beck has been a fool for a long time now but who really got to me was that smug Bill Krystol. The bastard never stops grinning when he’s sticking the knife in your back.
    As a good friend always said…”never trust a man who doesn’t stop smiling”…. Justice John Roberts fits that as well.

  6. @MongoZZx – I treat everybody with the respect I’d like to have shown to me until I have reason to think otherwise. In Beck’s case, there is no longer any reasonable doubt that he is unworthy of respect and given the number of times he’s gone full retard there is also no reasonable doubt that he is a fool or insincere or both.

    That, plus the fact that a battle between former allies tends to be far more brutal than one between those who have always been enemies. Unfortunate human nature, but there it is.

  7. MongoZZx, are you troubled about President Trump’s phone call with Australian PM Turnbull, wherein Trump called “dumb” Obama’s agreement to take in 1,500 Muslims deemed too dangerous for Australia?

    Just curious.

  8. “[W]e’re thrilled to be wrong” isn’t even “oops, I was wrong about Trump.” It’s “I regret that what I did is what you claim to be the cause of your spazzing out.”

  9. Trumps ego is so HUUUGGGHH, he’ll do what’s best for this country. He wants to be remembered as one of “the best presidents ever.”

    That’s why I voted for him. These never-Trumpers should NOT be forgiven.

  10. MongoZZx.

    Yes. I gladly welcome a geniune liberal convert. They’ve seen the glorious conservative light.

    Conservative phonies like Glenn Beck can kiss my ass! Wait. That’s twice I’ve requested that traitor Beck kiss my ass in this thread. Is Glenn making me gay? 🤔

  11. [Glenn Beck thinks its adequate enough to say “oops, I was wrong about Trump, I apologize.”]

    Apology accepted. Time to move on and not act like the liberals/democrats eating their own.

  12. @MongoZZx

    Grow a brain, Beck is not a convert who saw the light, Those people voted Trump or are now seeing the error of being led by liberal awful azz politicians. The NT on the right were in the tank for Hillary hoping to reap the financial benefits and fame of being the small but outspoken spokespeople for the conservative/libertarian movement. It was all about them, not about the good of the county for a single second.

  13. @MongoZZx February 3, 2017 at 9:50 am

    > Time to move on and not act like the liberals/democrats eating their own.

    Agreed. But just because you’re on this side of the line, after that side started shooting, doesn’t make you one of us.

  14. The Libtards are going to say and do anything to try to take the House and the Senate in 18.

    Anyone who has seen the light and is willing to vote for team Trump can break bread in my home anytime. Prodigal son, fool who realized he shot himself in the foot if either way, if he can influence voters then may he have a long and happy life.

  15. HAHAHAHA…! Sure, Glenny ‘ol boy, sure! But just answer this question first, do you prefer to be flipped off with the right middle finger or the left middle finger? (I’m guessing the left, but that’s just me.) 🙂

  16. Beck’s dead to me. Forever. No groveling apologies, no turning back.

    All these Never Trumpers were Leftist tools. Quislings working to elect the Left and defeat the Right.
    Their plots failed, and now they’d like to return to our lines so they can continue their damage and sabotage and undermining of President Trump until they ultimately succeed in getting him impeached, or assassinated.

    I’m glad BFH has drawn the line with these vermin. They were never with us. Moles and infiltrators and whispering saboteurs.

    Let them rot, forgotten.
    Don’t fall for their cynical marketing plans to “renew their brand viability “.

    In a year, Beck will be begging for guest shots on MSNBC where he can agree with Maddox that “Drumpf the madman must be stopped!”

    Erickson will be chasing ambulances around suburban Georgia for 20%.

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