More Details On Closs Case – IOTW Report

More Details On Closs Case



It’s been nearly a week since the Closs household in rural Wisconsin was shattered with parents James and Denise gunned down in their home and 13-year-old daughter Jayme missing.

Authorities have received a thousand tips and have released details of the crime- Here

Report From The Ground: My sister does relief work in Barron, the locals there have conveyed some additional details that aren’t make the paper. It seems the Closs home is part of a sort of subdivision with other homes nearby. It’s not the best neighborhood, with a couple of the residences being suspected drug houses. Since the crime there has been an a major coordinated law enforcement effort, state, local, federal with numerous stops (My sister noted four traffic stops alone on her way back from Barron, yesterday alone). All the police activity has generated numerous arrest (she says they arrested two on drugs than pulled in another 50 more).  Make of these details what you will, but it certainly shifts any theory I had on the crime. – Dr. Tar

3 Comments on More Details On Closs Case

  1. I posted the original BOLO article on my FB page last week.
    One FB friend made the supposition that the girl killed her own parents and ghosted with a boyfriend.
    This update makes me believe that is less likely.


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