More Dhimmi Insanity By Useless Progressive Idiots – IOTW Report

More Dhimmi Insanity By Useless Progressive Idiots

Pamela Geller-

Michael Phelps Urged To Give Up Position As Olympic Flag Bearer to a Muslim.

They have politicized the Olympics with the “refugee” team. Now they want a Trump-bashing Muslim to be our flag-bearer. Why should she be our flag bearer? Because she’s Muslim, of course.

It’s George Orwell on steroids.  We are witnessing mass slaughter  on an unfathomable scale in the cause of Allah, but we are never allowed to identify the attackers as Muslim, even as they scream, “Allahu akbar” and decry the “infidel” and “kuffar.”

But we must laud  and award them for being …. Muslims when they are not waging jihad.

This particular athlete has not won a gold medal, has not done anything every other Olympic contender has done, but we must bow and scrape because she is Muslim. The only reason Ibtihaj Muhammad, a “Muslim woman famous for wearing her hijab during her fencing matches,” came in a close second behind Phelps as the choice for flag bearer is because she is Muslim. Hers is no extraordinary achievement, except to further impose Islam on the secular marketplace. – See more 

31 Comments on More Dhimmi Insanity By Useless Progressive Idiots

  1. I actually enjoy the Olympics.
    That said, if they had pulled this bullshit stunt it would have flat out made the following 16 days unbearable.

    There were plenty of bullshit countries with ignorant, oppressed, covered up women.
    The USA is not one of those…yet.
    Hell, the IOC MADE Saudi Arabia have women in their group or they were going to be suspended.
    Total bullshit.

  2. “IBTIHAJ MUHAMMAD,AN AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSLIM WOMAN”….OK…I already don’t know who or what she wants to represent…..Doesn’t Tanzania need a fencer?…

  3. I can’t watch the olympics anymore. When I was a kid they showed the actual events. Nowadays it’s hours of human interest stories with a little sports thrown in.

    It’s unbearable. I haven’t watched any of it so maybe the media has changed.

    BwaaHaaHaaHaa. What am I saying?
    Is that shit pickle Bob Costas there?

  4. Yeah, go ahead and ditch the top Olympic gold medalist of all time in favor of some newbie competitor that nobody’s ever heard of, in a sport that no one cares about.

    Assholes. What, there isn’t a head-chopping competition she can join?

  5. Seriously, what if she goes “jihad” during her competition?
    From what I read, she isn’t that good, and has been “affirmative actioned” into a place on the team. This could all be a plan for her to “aloha snackbar” in front of the entire world.

  6. This is slightly off topic– I am completely disgusted by the situation Twin Falls cover up of the rape of the little girl there–WHAT NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IN TWIN FALLS–There have been thousands of refugees/immigrants, many Syrian, who have been imported into Twin Falls to work at the Chobani Yogurt factory owned by a MUSLIM. DO NOT BUY CHOBANI!!!!!! The mayor and others in Twin Falls are covering up the violence and rape of the title girl so as to not harm the revenue stream from CHOBANI. The muslim owner has forced immigrants into this town and the Americans there are paying the price. Pamela Geller is the only one who seems to be concerned about this situation–do your part and don’t buy from that goat fucking Chobani owner.

  7. Well, here’s a fun factoid: Girlfriend is from my hometown AND an alum of my high school. Guess I have to support her now.

    But I still think Phelps should get to carry the flag.

  8. As long as Phelps doesn’t go all bruce jenner in 40 years, he can carry our flag, and a bong for all I care. He’s a true Olympian Hero, much more than jenner will ever be remembered for in the history of modern olympics.

  9. So she could carry the flag for the same reason Oshitwit was awarded a Nobel? Neither did a damn thing to deserve an honor.
    She could very well win a Gold Medal in the Fugly Ohlimpdicks.
    Allahu Fubar and may the Zika Mosquito nail her arse when she lifts it to allah.

  10. Thanks Pbird–its unbelievable to me that no one has linked the hideous event to the influx of terrorist immigrants that infiltrated Twin Falls and Boise all for the benefit of that fucker who owns Chobani yogurt. HAs anyone investigated of that muslim fuck has ties to terrorists?

  11. Listing starboard ,
    Noosa brand Australian-style Greek-Style yoghurt is a hell of a lot better than that muzzie-made chobani. It’s made in Bellvue, Colorado, in partnership with the Australian company, I believe. I use the stuff for dip with whole wheat crackers. Great taste, healthy stuff.

  12. Unruly I discovered Noosa 5 years ago and loved it until Brown Cow cream top maple flavor hehe–it’s heavenly!! That Muslim who owns Chobani also makes Godiva chocolate —

  13. Listingstarboard, thanks for the tip! I’ll have to quit Godiva now too. Never heard of Brown Cow. It’s very hard to find healthy stuff in southern markets, except for the farmer’s markets that sell fresh produce. Krogers just started carrying Noosa brand recently, around here.

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