More fake news about the Trumps – The brothers skipped out on bar bill – IOTW Report

More fake news about the Trumps – The brothers skipped out on bar bill

Once again, deranged “resistance” aholes have read a false story and they are simply running with it. It matters little that the story was demonstrably false (the owner of the pub said it was false) you will have to put up with leftist morons who will repeat the story in the months and years to come.

They are jerks.

13 Comments on More fake news about the Trumps – The brothers skipped out on bar bill

  1. Lemmme see: Hildabeast and the seditious gay Kenyan commie routinely blew off Police departments, all over the nation, regarding overtime bills related to campaigns. No problemo for the MSM! But they have a serious problem with the Trump bros leaving a bar without paying their tab? Tabs often picked up by fans, staff? Got it.

  2. Let me see…….if I remember correctly, from President Trump’s trip to Japan, he doesn’t drink alcohol. Never has, never will.
    So that busts that story.
    Want to make a Libtard’s head go ‘splody? Quote facts.

  3. Obama is a traitor.
    Hillary clinton is a traitor.
    Dianne feinstein is a traitor.
    John kerry is a traitor.
    Nancy pelosi is a criminal – and mentally ill.

    How’s that for history?

  4. They’re completely confounded by the fact that despite living under the hot lights most of his life President Trump has led a remarkably clean life. That is unless you want to attack a man for having a robust appetite for beautiful women.

  5. It’s always the daily beast with the fake news. And not just about politics, either. They’re always getting it wrong. They’re just so emotionally damaged and dumb.Like a teenaged girl who dropped out during jr. high school

  6. Note from an eye witness, my brother. The Trumps were treated with respect and were respectful in Ireland.
    The people of Doonbeg love the Trumps. They all had a great time.
    Trump International employs about 300 locals.
    The local Parish Priest has reserved a suite in Heaven for the Trumps. So there.
    The POS Daily Beast will soon devour itself.


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