More Financial Destruction Caused By the Money Grubbing Socialist Sanders Family – IOTW Report

More Financial Destruction Caused By the Money Grubbing Socialist Sanders Family

VT Digger-

While one deal struck by Jane O’Meara Sanders during her time as Burlington College’s president has triggered a federal investigation, another arrangement she engineered is breeding claims of nepotism and allegations of veiled threats against her husband’s presidential campaign.

The bad blood centers on the relationship the college forged with the Vermont Woodworking School, co-founded and run by Sanders’ daughter, Carina Driscoll.

Carol Moore, the final president at Burlington College, broadly blames the school’s 2016 closing on Sanders. In a scathing op-ed last year, Moore wrote: “BC’s fate was set when its former board members hired an inexperienced president.”

Bernie Sanders

That president, Jane Sanders, the wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., led Burlington College from 2004 to 2011. Previously she served as acting president of Goddard College in Plainfield, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in social work.

Moore and others say a land deal Jane Sanders championed in 2010 caused Burlington College’s closure last year. The school had purchased a 33-acre waterfront parcel from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington for $10 million with hopes of greatly expanding the small, alternative liberal arts college.


ht/ Sam S.

6 Comments on More Financial Destruction Caused By the Money Grubbing Socialist Sanders Family

  1. It had to be somewhere around 1999 or 2000 when Tom Wolfe wrote a wonderful piece regarding the movement ~ read that the communal society ~ many of whom moved to Vermont and dressed as though in abject poverty. In fact, they were nothing more than trust babies …. Welcome to the current Vermont legislature.

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