More illegals are choosing to remain in Mexico – IOTW Report

More illegals are choosing to remain in Mexico

Over the past decade, Mexico has increasingly become a destination of choice for illegals seeking safety and employment opportunities rather than the United States. MORE

12 Comments on More illegals are choosing to remain in Mexico

  1. Wow, Biden is smarter than we’ve given him credit for. He had a master plan all along. Make the USA into a third world country and the illegals will stop coming on their own and we won’t have to build a fence. BRILLIANT!

  2. Not really, most sanctuary cites are as cold as hell this time of year. I betcha Abbott is busing the illegals up north with no coats AGAIN just like he did last year. Could bus em back to border, but that is to easy of a answer. Abbott best stay in his home state, outside his state lines he will get arrested.

  3. Yeah a failed Narco State where they will chop off your head for the price of a tortilla.

    Where if you achieve any level of financial success they will kidnap your kids and take all your life savings to return their corpses. Yeah that’s the ticket…

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