More Inappropriate Elementary School Teachings – IOTW Report

More Inappropriate Elementary School Teachings

Remember when the question was when is it appropriate to start teaching children about the birds and the bees?

That questioned has been answered by the left. They are skipping birds and bees and going right to the QUEEN bee.


Students were told that puberty blockers, like SUPPRELIN LA, are one of the “supplies that could be helpful during puberty!” It describes the pill as a “small, flexible implant.”

On another page of the pamphlet, students were told, “Some kids are he. Some kids are she. Some kids are they. And some kids have more pronouns to share because everyone belongs!” Students were asked to reflect on what “pronouns do you like to use? What feels good to you? Is there a way you like to describe your gender? If not, that’s okay!”

Students were also given a “gender wheel” worksheet as part of the elementary school sex ed. It listed different identities, like trans, intersex, drag king, trans femme, agender person, girlish boy, boi grrl, and nonbinary person. It introduces children to “they” and “ze” as pronouns (along with, inexplicably, “tree”) and teaches kids that “ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limited beliefs transform and evolve.”

The concerned father asks why “‘fringe’ medical treatment” is being presented to 9 – 11 year old kids.

Sexually graphic drawings

The pamphlet also includes lessons on how “bodies can look all sorts [sic] of ways!”

One page shows drawings of vaginas and penises with various kinds of pubic hair. Students saw vaginas with pubic hair art, with one shaped like a cat and another like a heart. Other drawings include “examples of intersex variation,” which show private parts with both male and female characteristics. Intersex people, at most, represent about 0.05% of the world population, but students would assume it’s much more common.


ht/ illustr8r

14 Comments on More Inappropriate Elementary School Teachings

  1. Time to drag the teachers, school board, and admin out of their cozy rooms and have them all demonstrate an “air dance” under a tall tree/lamppost for our entertainment.

  2. Remember when schools were supposed to teach children reading, writing, and arithmatic, and didn’t get to any kind of sex ed until they were in high school because there was absolutely no reason to discuss sex with preteens and you were considered a pedophile and went to prison if you did?

  3. “Students were told that puberty blockers, like SUPPRELIN LA, are one of the “supplies that could be helpful during puberty!” It describes the pill as a “small, flexible implant.””

  4. “Students were told that puberty blockers, like SUPPRELIN LA, are one of the “supplies that could be helpful during puberty!” It describes the pill as a “small, flexible implant.””

    Time was you couldn’t give a kid an ASPRIN.

  5. I didn’t have any sex ed classes until I was a sophomore in HS in my biology class about 1968-69 when I was 15/16 years of age. And even then, it was a joke, mostly descriptions of male and female genitalia and venereal diseases etc. And nothing was said about homosexuality because queers were still hidden deep within closets back then. It was a kinder, gentler time for the most part, and most of the guys knew what female genitalia and tits looked like anyway from looking at the centerfolds in Playboy and getting their first boners as horny teenage boys.

  6. Good thing for educators that nobody cares about reading, writing and arithmetic. The scores in those key subjects are abysmal. But they’re doing great teaching all the variations of tab A going into slot B. Teaching within their areas of expertise no doubt.

    In rural Texas, one school has had to postpone graduation ceremonies after only 5 of the schools 33 seniors met graduation requirements.

  7. “…the school’s principal acknowledged the presenters “went off script” and claimed the school was “also surprised and did not know what they were going to do.”

    Well, they knew the materials were being presented by Planned Parenthood; that is what is known as “a clue”. Doesn’t the buck stop at the principal, or is that an outdated notion?

  8. @mystaclean
    AT 1:34 PM
    “But they’re doing great teaching all the variations of tab A going into slot B.”

    I’m not as worried about “tab A going into slot B”, but them teaching about putting it into slots C, D, and even E !!!


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