More Jobs to Texas – IOTW Report

More Jobs to Texas

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CPR: This is what you need to know, “San Francisco tech startup makes move into Texas with new Dallas office”.  Want to create ideas?  California is still the place. Want job and business growth—go to Texas.

Want high taxes bad regulations and a government that does not trust citizens with freedom?  California is the place.  Need a place to allow you to have dominion over your business and family, and then go to Texas or any other Free State.  California is no longer free; more than half your wages go to government.  MORE

14 Comments on More Jobs to Texas

  1. I wish these companies would go somewhere else. We have the potential of being Colorado where thousands of California’s moved to over the last 2 to 3 a evades and now it is blue.

    I don’t want them bringing their socialist cap to this state.

  2. I would stay out of New York too if I wanted my business to succeed. Governor Douchey-Douche has no love of business and routinely strangles it with high taxes and too many regulations.

  3. Hey Dummies, if you had an open season on Liberals you could live in any state you wanted. I say between Thanksgiving and New Years. That way you could clean out the trash each December and start the new year right.

    And look at the bright side. Housing would once again be affordable in San Fran Cisco, there would be no one peeing on you in New York, and Chicago’s crime rate would be more like Salt Lake’s.

  4. There’s plenty of great ideas all over flyover country. But the lefties are bigoted against entrepreneurs that believe in citizenship and personal responsibility.

  5. While Austin may be over-influenced by the Univ libbies, the rest of Texas is a long way from becoming a liberal Val Halla….every state in the Union with a college or university has the same issues….

  6. Careful, V.D., I just listened to five minutes of audio from July, 2015 (although for NPR) that described southern Texas democrats districts that celebrated Politiqueros -agitators that, mostly, would NOT admit to being paid by the D party. They had to translate for an 86 yo hag that STILL hadn’t bothered to learn English despite being a D activist for 60 FN years…

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