More Looters – IOTW Report

More Looters


21 Comments on More Looters

  1. If you think somebody “just happened” to start recording that bird before it grabbed the bag, you’re mighty gullible.

    Don’t get soar and squawk beakause I said that, I’m just winging it here!

  2. LOL. Before clicking the link. I was thinking –

    Looters? Looters you say? I thought they preferred to be called Reparations Collectors.

    The bird had the casual slow strolling approach walk down pat. Before the quick dash to escape with the goods.

  3. Birds of a feather flock together – hell, that bird’s just one of the gang of other jail bird looters.

    Gulls on the beach will steal food right out of your hand if you’re not paying attention.

  4. That’s so cute! (Not a fan of pigeons, but that’s super cute)
    I don’t want to see them go extinct, but somebody needs to start lacing those chips with birth control or something.

  5. stirrin the pot- That’s how I lost my fries. They’re honey badgers with wings.

    Picture it. Santa Barbara, CA.
    On the beach at a little restaurant table with friends and a bird comes circling. I knew he had an eye on the food. So he lands on the table, by the time I turned my head to say, “Hey!” he took my fries and shit on the chairs next to us.

    My friend: “Yeah, they’ll do that.”

  6. As a saltwater Hill-Billy I been around the
    “cockroach of the sky” all my life.They have
    their rightful purpose in nature.Now if I could
    only get the tourists to stop feeding them !

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