More Mons Being Sent To Utah – IOTW Report

More Mons Being Sent To Utah

I received this note today-

I doubt that many Mormons peruse iOTWreport (a little too risqué) but you would be doing a big service by posting this and suggesting to readers that they send this to any Mormons they know.  One of these articles is about Congolese refugees.  I live in a small town (pop. 9000) in rural Utah and my neighbor just rented his remodeled basement to a government subsidized young man from the Congo.  At least he’s not muslim, but I see it as a means test to locate more refugees.  (I know for a fact that some local democrats are investing in low income housing.) Thanks. – A reader

Family of 12 heading for Utah


23 Comments on More Mons Being Sent To Utah

  1. We have several people from the Congo who attend my church. They are lovely, kind people who want to be a part of America. Plus, staying in the Congo probably would be a death sentence for them since, you know, they’re Christians.

  2. Africans who aren’t muzzlefied are great people. I know several and can even give character references. They are human so they have faults, as we all do, but they are still good people.

  3. As Roy Beck points out, bringing them here will only help those who can afford to come. They must be helped in their own country.
    Google: Roy Beck “Immigration, World Poverty, and gumballs.”

  4. We too have several African families in our church. They’re well educated, disciplined, and hard working. They avoid black areas because they’re terrified of their children becoming niggerized. The ladies clothes are as colorful as cactus blossoms. Even the little tykes show up in suits, ties, and polished shoes.

  5. MJA – – Yes, not only the “charities” but the big money is in government subsidized housing. That’s what’s behind the Twin Falls scandal.

  6. Congolese people are everything Dianny said. I have met a family recently and they are decent people. Not all African nations are lost to Islam, unfortunately Marxism is still a plague. Yeah, I know, Islam/Marxism – toss up.

  7. I rented to a guy from Nepal. He rented from me for two years. Good renter. Met a lot of folks from Nepal who came over as refugees. From my experience with Nepalese, they can bring as many people from there as they want in my opinion.

  8. Moe Tom has it right. Google immigration and gum balls on youtube.
    These people with their 12 kids, did they go to school, the parents? can they read or write? Do they have a skill.

    IT’s BS that they don’t want to be like American Democrats. These people are uneducated. Their country hasn’t had success in their society in 10,000 years. They are going to bring their poor ways with them. It’s unfortunate but it is BAD POLICY or should I say Suicide policy to import these people. NOTHING good will come from it.

  9. JPM Thank you. I guess nobody else paid much attention. They are all such cute little mudderfuckers when they are young but they grow up to be big, uneducated, vicious, anti American mudderfuckers.
    Dianny. Yeah, sure!

  10. Be careful if you are invited to a Congolese barbecue. Let’s just say certain esoteric culinary practices are still celebrated in their homeland.

  11. “Those who wish to donate may visit Potential landlords may call 801-428-1298. Employers may call 801-428-1244.”

    What? Put them on welfare and make everyone in Utah pay for them. You allowed them into your State, now you take care of them and don’t ask anyone for money. I’ve had enough of this refugee BS!

  12. Notice all the red states are being flooded with sub-saharans. I tell you that it’s white fucking genocide, period. They know these tribalistic motherfuckers will be harassing and murdering whites for the next goddamn century until it’s game fucking over. Fucking democrats. Fucking spineless shitbag republicans.

  13. They’re wonderful people. Which is good, since all Americans suck.

    They’re Christians. Which is good, since there are no Christians in America.

    They’re hard working. Which is good, since no Americans even want jobs that require any amount of work.

    They want to be(come) Americans. Which is good, since so few Americans vote like they were raised in third world failed states.

    They want to actually stay in America. Which is good, since the American population has been dropping precipitously for so many years.

    At least they didn’t vote for Hillary. Which doesn’t matter, since Good(TM) Americans look forward to the Hillary agenda, even when she’s forced to go back to working a “private sector” job, that even New Americans(TM) won’t do.

  14. if you complain about people from Congo then you are a white swamp donkey.
    Reason if you like them or hate them they will not turn to violence like abdul and sharmuta.

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