More of Joy Reid’s Gay Bashing Blog – IOTW Report

More of Joy Reid’s Gay Bashing Blog

Joy Reid had a blog about ten years ago. It was ridiculously homophobic, bashing known gay celebrities and politicians and speculating about others. She apologized. It seemed to blow over and Reid kept her job.

But more stuff has been unearthed, even more outrageous claims. She even slams Oprah and Gayle King. She also claims that Karl Rove is gay and everyone in DC knows it.

Now Reid says she’s “been hacked.” (The ol’ Anthony Weiner defense.) ((These idiots are too stupid to be able to explain how or why anyone would have hacked a no-name blogger ten years ago.))

Why should this vile creature get a pass from anyone? Certainly this was the real Reid, not this manufactured product that burps out the left narrative in order to cash a paycheck.


14 Comments on More of Joy Reid’s Gay Bashing Blog

  1. Yeah, she was hacked TEN years ago I guess.

    Websites have time stamps and the like, it would be pretty easy to find out when those posts were actually made.
    [and why in God’s name, do people with the name ‘Joy’ always end up being the opposite?]

  2. It’s amazing that anything derogatory that surfaces about libtards is the result of hacking, but anything about conservatives is the real deal without looking in to it.
    No one ever accused Joy Reid and her news buddies of having any integrity though.
    MSLSD: it’s what they’re on.


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