I am sick of this.
Stand by what you say. Don’t get all weasely because what you said didn’t poll well.
Ken Cuccinelli tries to walk back “listless vessels” remark by DeSantis and says he wasn’t talking about Trump voters.
He tries to say he was talking about politicians.
Ya. Okay. Slimeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Cuccinelli HERE
He asks that you go to the transcript and not take DeSantis out of context.
Okay. Full remark below.
By now it’s pretty obvious to (almost) everyone, that DeSantis just isn’t very smart.
He just fell to 4th place behind Fat Boy in a couple polls. Time to move onto guys like Christy.
Just another poLIEtician
Oh you poor ignorant fools! DeSantis is the GREATEST LEADER THIS PLANET HAS EVER SEEN. You Trumpoids will never understand the pure political GENIUS of the Desantis route to the White House. Being 75 points behind Trump is just a ruse. You poor suckers will have egg on your face when DeSantis wins and has his hand on the Bible.
“Ken Cuccinelli tries to walk back “listless vessels” remark by DeSantis and says he wasn’t talking about Trump voters.”
I didn’t know Ken was even running for president?
So, did DeSantis try and walk it back?
**Spoiler alert**
He did not.
Another nothingburger.
Your desperation is showing.
You might want to focus on who has said they would pardon Trump.
Who BTW, has a date with a mug shot this week…
BTW, he said a “strain” of MAGA.
We see that strain here daily.
Most of MAGA aren’t suicidal, they know they need allies.
Also, I linked to a thread that had this very video in it yesterday!
It simply has Ken showing CNN to be the flat out liars they are.
You guys are SO DESPERATE you are joining in with CNN to tell flat out lies.
Pathetic losers who deserve what they reap…
“Pathetic losers who deserve what they reap…”
So, if we don’t vote for RDS we’re pathetic losers who deserve what they reap.
Oh OK. you are a fanatic that was never hugged as a child.
“Most of MAGA aren’t suicidal, they know they need allies.”
That’s not just Tequila, he’s doing meth.
Dammit! Time for bed and the party starts.
Yes Brad, if you join with CNN in a Dutch Rudder configuration to bash and lie about the most conservative governor since Ronald Reagan, then you reap what you sow.
Move West Different Tim…
It’s Prime Time at the Octagon!
Are you an Ally Loco? No, you are not.
I am an ally, not a blind one.
DeSantis is an ally, not a stupid one.
Our forefathers hated the idea of cults & coronations…
BTW Brad, did you hear Fox is not allowing any Trump surrogates to attend the debates, be in the Green Room, if Trump doesn’t attend.
If Trump has this locked up and the debates are for second place and they all are nothing but losers then why does he need people like Kari Lake there?
There’s not a damn MAGA person here that would consider you an ally. You have an agenda. Which so far looks like piss all over Trump get RDS elected. Well, that’s not happening.
That grifter Jesse Jackson once said: ‘Stay out the Bushes’. For once he was right. DeSantis didn’t hear the message.
“BTW Brad, did you hear Fox is not allowing any Trump surrogates to attend the debates,”
Oh My GOD, what will we do?
There you go again. And you’re a ally?
The Strain will take their ball and go home.
Fine, 4 more years of democrat rule.
You miss spelled Stain.
Um, whatever you say Brad, if that’s what you call your extreme sliver of MAGA…
On May 24, 2023, Ron DeSantis called Joe Biden an “empty vessel”.
He meant “stupid” and/or “demented”, lacking independent critical thinking and decision-making skills.
An insult.
Presidents are installed now, not elected.
Sure janitor, and it was true when he said it.
However, in this context it was different, here is his exact quote:
“A movement can’t be about the personality of one individual, the movement has got to be about what you are trying to achieve on behalf of the American people, and that’s got to be based in principle.
Because if you are not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that’s just supposed to follow whatever comes down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement.”
In summary, don’t be a biden*, think for yourself.
No truer words were ever spoken…
Ron DeStickaforkinhim is now just running because it would be too humiliating to drop out this fast. He’s been the best Governor ever! His Presidential campaign is a tone deaf, passive-aggressive monument to hubris. I thought he understood the playing field and the challenges. He doesn’t. He’s not an awful candidate because he’s a globalist or a RINO. He’s an awful candidate because he has B-hurt and TDS. Time to move on. I am over it.
I gotta tell ya Loco, if anyone appears to be grasping at straws it’s the DeSantis. Campaign. And I’m not necessarily happy about that. We are all best served by a strong and united party. I’m thinking DeSantis received a lot of bad advice. Goes to show you, you can’t trust the bushies.
Good exchange tonight, with Brad making me laugh & LBS at 11 on my Cringe Meter.
RDS is done nationally, he’s shown himself to be not only a tool of his donors but a Wooden Indian has more charisma. He did some very good things as Gov, pushing back on Disney(and winning) and the Trans BS as well as firing incompetent FL State employees were nothing but solid conservative achievements.
Anyone but a dolt could have seen 2024 is The Settling Year, stay DF out of it, back DJT, keep being a solid Gov(and shut Casey up, good grief), work on your people skills and 2028 might have been Golden. Now? Not a fucking chance in the world.
No matters how 2024 shakes out, RDS will never carry MAGA. NEVER. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face, we got a poster boy.
Hey, if I’m not at level 11 on the Cringe Meter I’ve failed as a commentator…
I’d really love for someone, ANYONE to show an actual link to DeSantis and the “Bushes.”
You cannot but that talking point has gone out so run with it…
*Oh and a quote from Jeb saying a positive thing or the fact that he as *checks notes* a FORMER Florida Governor was invited to attend RDS inauguration is not enough proof.
You got nothing but foolish desperation and lies.
^^^^ That seems really productive as we try and figure out how to save our Republic. Personally, I’m worried sick.
You need to be worried Brad.
MAGA alone = 4 more years of democrat rule
Funny you just mentioned Fat Boy, he just called Trump a coward.
“Enemy of my enemy again”
Hey Loco, do you think for a second the bushies would leave a paper trail record of their involvement. They are like WEF, they’re everywhere, but at the same time they’re nowhere. This is the shadow government, the enemies!
“MAGA alone = 4 more years of democrat rule”
Loco say the only way to save the planet, is to vote for RDS. Otherwise, you all be fucked.
Fuck me this is getting old. “Ronda, Rondas are man, if he can’t do it no one can” TEAM.
joe6 with the unprovable so it must be true concept.
Though I kinda have the impression that you absolutely hated when the left used that very same tactic with Trump & “Russia Russia Russia.”
BTW, you do know that I love a good conspiracy theory…
Keep em coming!
You’re losing it Loco!
Brad once again, Desantis is the insurance policy if Trump drops out due to rogue lawfair or health issues.
Otherwise it’s Nikki! Nikki! Nikki!
Simple as that…
“joe6 with the unprovable so it must be true concept.”
Did that futher mocker just defend the Bush’s? Why yes, I believe he did.
Wow dude, you are on the wrong blog.
“Otherwise it’s Nikki! Nikki! Nikki!”
You vote for Nikki. I’m voting for the Indian dude. I ain’t scared.
Trump2024 or BUST!
Trump is the ONLY CHOICE.
Screw the career politicians.
Hey anon, I believe “Empty Vessel” or “Listless Vessel” is available as a screen name.
Or perhaps “Strain”
(I think Strain would be cool, BTW)
Just throwing that out there…
I have a big ass vessel for you.
Whoa whoa whoa….no one said anything about a gay cruise.
Anonymous@11:40. That was me. You’re still losing it, Loco!
No comment except maybe… YIKES!
joe6 damn it, you already have a cool name.
The names are still available anons…
Get em while they’re hot!
“Whoa whoa whoa….no one said anything about a gay cruise.”
I’m referencing a row boat with one oar and a hole in the side. WTF are you pervs talking about? LOL
“Hello sailor, in town for long?”
The connection to the bushes is in type not relationship: I really could see RDS being a monster let down in office like bush. Also please stop using the *checks notes* line I’m so sick of hearing that.
As for this story RDS isn’t calling maga listless but the blind following of personalities to be listless; that’s fine (who wouldn’t concur) but then added the jab at truth social that makes it annoying. You always compare Reagan to RDS but Reagan’s 11th commandment is thou shalt not speak ill of another republican.
Loco *Checks notes*
this whole thread is based on a lie.
“Ken Cuccinelli tries to walk back “listless vessels” remark by DeSantis and says he wasn’t talking about Trump voters.”
I watched the video, both of them.
Ken never tries to walk back shit!
BTW, “Reagan’s 11th commandment is thou shalt not speak ill of another republican.”
Trump set that shit afire LONG LONG AGO!
There are lots of oddities in what you say.
You say— So, did DeSantis try and walk it back?
**Spoiler alert**
He did not.
Another nothingburger.
You like to say you spring traps. So, what is it you’re saying here? That DeSantis WAS talking about Trump voters? You do not agree with Cuccinelli’s characterization of what the remarks by DeSantis meant?
I’m not so sure your comment is the “gotcha” ya think it is. You’re the one that’s been got.
Also – you like to say “This is what they did to Trump (in regards to mischaracterizations.) So, why are you not fighting for Trump? What is it that he’s done wrong?
Parting comment-
If they did it to Trump, what makes you think DeSantis is immune from lies and ratfucking?
I’d rather a guy that’s already had everything thrown at him and he’s still not down.
“this whole thread is based on a lie.”
And yet I’ve read your allegations that everything Trump is charged with is true. Ally? Oh fuck no.
Who is Ken to “walk back” anything DeSantis said anyway?
How is he in that position?
You guys absolutely hate when the MSM do selective editing to Trump, why are you happy when they do it to DeSantis?
DeSantis was clear, a strain of individuals are absolutely fine with leftists if they say nice things about Trump, even if they vote to impeach the man.
Kiss his ass and you are in the club.
Cult-like bullshit.
Won’t be enough numbers to win.
WOW. Seriously. You’re the one that hears what he wants to hear. This is friggin’ scary.
DeSantis WAS TALKIMG ABOUT TRUMP SUPPORTERS. It is clear. And then Cuccinelli says he wasn’t talking about Trump supporters. That is called WALKING IT BACK.
Maybe you’d like it better if it was called “lying”?
How about “weaseling out of a bad sound bite”?
How about “desperate revisionism”?
Take your pick.
Stop checking your notes for the love of god. Smashing the likes of Mitch McConnell isn’t working the purview of Reagan’s rule.
Desantis is wasting his time: he’s bungled like in this from day one the national campaign: needs to go home to mommy let daddy trump handle the nomination.
“If they did it to Trump, what makes you think DeSantis is immune from lies and ratfucking?”
You MUST be trolling now, Fur.
I mean, have you ever seen a DeSantis press conference?
Good Grief!
Welcome back from your slumber Rumpelstiltskin…
And Cuccinelli just called Trump “juvenile.”
I am seeing what you like about DeSantis and everything that surrounds him. Nothing is clear about the communication. And you have the same quality.
What does that even mean “have you ever seen a DeSantis press conference?”
What is it you are trying to say?
Cracks me up Loco thinks we’re dumb enough to consider him an ally. LOL. That was a good chuckle.
George if you haven’t figured it out yet, *checks notes*, I write with a certain style, no offense meant.
We have a debate in two days, and the first vote isn’t for FIVE LONG MONTHS.
DeSantis is the #1 challenger right now, like it or not.
A shit-ton of uncertainty is in the mix…
I’m saying that “If they did it to Trump, what makes you think DeSantis is immune from lies and ratfucking?”
Has been happening for years in Florida from The Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, etc.
The man has been under attack and only Trump can handle the press with such vigor and resentment.
They both dispatch the assholes.
Do I need to post about 100 video examples?
You had to check your notes to say I write with a certain style? As RDS’s daddy would say: sad!
“Desantis is wasting his time:”
Exactly. And why? Because RDS needs at least 70% of MAGA vote to show or place. He need 100% to win, And that will never happen. Ever.
“And Cuccinelli just called Trump “juvenile.”
Hell, I call Trump that often.
He is.
“I’m not debating but I’m going to do a rally during it, no, I’m going to turn myself in that day, no, I’m doing Tucker.”
It’s not juvenile, I was wrong.
It’s toddler behavior.
Not that of a former president confident in winning another term.
I also have and will vote for the man.
Proves nothing…
I don’t understand his angle: he can’t beat Trump in a nomination, even if he could some of trumped supporters (not me) won’t vote for him so he can’t win the race. What the heck.
Geroge: Sigh*
(Probably tired of that as well)
Brad, “insurance policy” or do you want Nikki?
George, DeSantis is in the race if Trump drops out due to health or criminal DA lawfair that puts Trump in prison.
Otherwise it’s NIKKI!
Why is that so hard to understand?
Hell, I could explain it to fifth graders and they would get it.
Ohhhhhhhhh. I was talking about things a bit more serious than tough questions from the Miami Herald.
The left ain’t fuckin’ around anymore.
I want the guy they tried to fuck around with to win.
That is the only way to show the left their bullshit doesn’t work.
And you don’t sound like you’re invested in DeSantis as an insurance policy.
Sounds like you want him to beat Trump.
Just an observation.
But, I won’t believe my lying eyes and ears.
Ken said “that was not Trump assigned”
Not a walk back in any stretch of the imagination.
He was clarifying the bullshit cut that CNN did.
Regardless, he is in no position to walk back a damn thing.
Show me DeSantis walking it back.
He’s the candidate for Christ’s sake!
BTW, I am fine with Trump back in the White House but another part of my head believes that it will be 4 years of hell.
A whole lot of uncertainty.
DeSantis for 8 years will save the country, I have no doubt whatsoever.
Wasn’t a bullshit cut. The remark did not get any better with full context. Who was he calling listless vessels? Fans of Pearl Jam?
Vegetable pizza eaters?
Say it with me…… Trump supporters……
And the he says “he wasn’t talking about Trump supporters.”
Fuck off. I do not like that sort of bullshit. It’s weasel shit. It’s lawyer-speak. It’s “nuanced” in order for it to be anything…
If you don’t believe the MSM has had a hard on for DeSantis for years now and that he’s dispatched them on a regular basis then you haven’t been paying attention.
I mean, they adopted the “Don’t say gay” shit immediately.
They hit him as a racist, just like Trump, homophobe, just like Trump.
For fucks sake, they said he was “worse than Trump.”
“Worse than Hitler”
It’s comical!
These are indisputable facts.
He said “we” as listless vessels, he included himself in that.
He was talking about how ridiculous it was that a candidate for the presidency relies on an obscure platform tweeting his feelings as a political movement.
If you remove the Trump colored glasses you will see he has a point.
Tweeting as a platform?
Founders are rolling…
You’re allowing the deep state to effectively expunge a man they see as a populist danger. It’s really noble you would like a plan B. But you’re arguing with people who want Plan A and calling them “fifth graders.”
I really don’t care what Ken said.
DeSantis is the candidate.
Laura Loomer says a lot of shit and if I point it out it’s dismissed.
DeSantis is correct, there is a “strain” of the MAGA crowd that calls you a RINO if you don’t kiss Trump’s ass.
Fact check: TRUE
Evidence is on this blog every single day.
I’m not wrong!
BFH, I have been called faggot many times here, AND WORSE!
5th grader is pretty mild.
I think they can handle it.
My point being that not having a plan B is ridiculous.
All eggs in one basket and such…
I have said many times that barring any crazy shit, which is in the works, Trump will win the primary easily.
I think DeSantis will win the Iowa Caucus though.
Having DeSantis at #2, who the MSM HATE is actually good for Trump.
Insurance policy is not crazy at all.
Nikki would lose in a landslide.
Vivek? Please…
Ohhhhh ok. Ya I think desantis would be my second for sure (third if ole rand Paul was in there) but then he should run like that cheerlead for trump and if it goes south there he is. He’s running like he’s trying to beat trump head to head for nomination
This is a blog?
BTW, I have been accused of having some form of “Dutch rudder” with Rich, I have been threatened to have my “ass beat” called faggot at least two dozen times, doxed, encouraging fellow iotwers to cancel me, etc.
Not complaining one iota.
I’m a fighter
Simply saying to you, please be fair.
5th grader is not exactly = cocksucker.
DeSanctimonious isn’t gonna win shit. Trump isn’t gonna win shit. Biden isn’t gonna win shit.
Whoever “wins” is going to be selected. It’s a selection, FFS, if 2020 didn’t teach you something, good Lord, enjoy being trapped in the matrix. NOTHING has been done to correct that selection and it’s going to be worse in 2024.
I think George is smarter than you, Loco. He must have been through the seventh grade.
What he just wrote is spot on.
A blog (a truncation of “weblog”) is an informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts).
Maybe so, but calling this a blog is an insult.
Wait, are you REALLY saying an opposing candidate should “cheerlead” for his opponent?
I’m quite certain George couldn’t hold my jockstrap with that kind of thinking.
No insult meant Fur regarding blog.
It’s a generic term to me.
Hell, I post here.
What do you call it?
Maybe starting tomorrow I will write exclusively about how I make airplanes out of beer cans and sell them at art fairs.
I actually did graduate 7th grade (or what it 6th); took a few tries though.
Now as for brad you gotta catch him on the rare occasion when his meds are right good night sleep all that. Hopefully he doesn’t read this or I’ll get beat up too.
I would pay for that Fur…
ecp wrote:
“DeSanctimonious isn’t gonna win shit. Trump isn’t gonna win shit. Biden isn’t gonna win shit.”
See my point, biden* gets the respect of his actual name and DeSantis gets shit on.
biden* is fucking you IN THE ASS DAILY and yet he gets more respect than a true conservative.
Sad, so fucking sad.
We deserve 4 more years of destruction…
What do I call this?
The best site on the internet.
Where else do you get a video of a chick vomiting into the mouth of a guy kissing her, followed by a post asking to identify a Trump sign arsonist, followed by requesting prayers for a reader?
This is the Cheers bar.. it’s not a blog.
iotw is a community, ie, a common unity. Not an author lecture. We even have a currency. Do you need a few thousand iotw bucks, loco? You can donate them to DeSantis for a trip to iotw HQ for an interview. Now that would be something, not that Will Witt did a bad job, but BFH would be more constructive and entertaining.
Agreed Fur,
BTW, I appreciate the heads-up on the vomit video, I did not watch it.
Sure ecp, just let me interview Trump.
We could do it on a golf course.
I would be fair and it would be fun.
I would get drunk without a doubt…
Can Ivanka come?
This is the best site by a long shot.
I have never been censored, deleted, banned, or worse, have my posts edited.
All of those instances have happened on other sites.
Can you believe it? Little ole innocent Loco?
“Maybe so, but calling this a blog is an insult.”
Damn straight. We all agreed years ago that this was going to be the worst porn site on the internet.
Well played.
I have to disagree Burr, NancyPelosiGoldenShowerEmporium dot com is far worse…
HaHA! Charade you are, teacher.
They offer porn. This place doesn’t. Ergo, worst. porn site. ever.
Except that one time fur posted a giant snow penis in the back of a pickup truck.
As a sailor , navy type , a list nautically is a lean , listing to starboard or port . When combined with vessel , brought to my squid brain a visual of an upright , level and sea worthy boat . The vessel has no list . Looking at the webster definition it takes on a different meaning , kinda makes RDS’s statement damn near up there with Hillary’s “deplorable” except in a somewhat nicer way . I was never impressed with shiny shoed JAG officers such was RDS . I was surprised to see him enter the fray this time around in 2024 . I lean Trump , he was my middle finger sent to D.C. , if RDS wins the primary then he’ll get my vote , but not with much enthusiasm .
Look at how the establishment Republican wing of the progressive movement has functioned and the people running his effort are instantly recognizable for what they are.
Pretty incredible how people value the empty rhetoric of Trump of the positive, REAL actions of DeSantis. If you’re a person who feels at their very core that they’re a loser, and all you want to do is thumb your nose at the world before you breath your last breath, then Trump is your man. If you actually want some real push back against the evil tide by someone who isn’t a hopeless blowhard and moron, then DeSantis is a better choice.
Trump had four years to figure it out, and he blew it Tweeting, watching TV, and delegating power to the very assholes he said he was gonna shape up. Remember him tweeting, “LAW AND ORDER” during the riots and nothing happened? He didn’t know how to get his own DoD to obey him. He has no fucking clue what he is doing. The DC cabal is perverting the law to turn Trump into America’s Nelson Mandela precisely because they WANT him to be the nominee. Because they’re gonna fuck him again the same way, and he’s gonna react the same way. And it will be a permanent democrat shitstorm in DC forever.
Now I remember why I stopped coming around here, assholes, assholes everywhere.
^^ Assholes, assholes everywhere – but nary an ass to kick!
“Now as for brad you gotta catch him on the rare occasion when his meds are right good night sleep all that. Hopefully he doesn’t read this or I’ll get beat up too.”
Dang George. LOL.
Real enemy
Why would you think Desantis would last eight years.
He has essentially bailed from his duties just months into the second term for which he was elected.
So, a guy would say that even though he was elected to a second full term, he is now saying we who re-elected him to that are only getting half that second term. Actually getting far less now since he isn’t here in Tallahassee doing the job.
Anon, that is the dumbest post today.
Quite the accomplishment since someone else has denied the existence of Covid-19 already.
Of course the evening is still young.
BTW, I would stay anonymous if I were you…
I suppose the eight previous sitting governors that walked right into the White House is news to the criminally uninformed.
Education these days…
At least I’m not LOCO!
Amen Benito.
Makes no sense to bother writing a comment when you are one of six different anons on a single thread.
Will the real anon please stand up?
“Now as for brad you gotta catch him on the rare occasion when his meds are right good night sleep all that. Hopefully he doesn’t read this or I’ll get beat up too.”
Purely dependent on his alcohol consumption. It’s like talking to three different people as his inebriation progresses.
13 years of evidence to back this claim up. He’s not a bad dude. Just a drunk that doesn’t know yet when to quit while he’s ahead.
Seriously feel sorry for his family that has to deal with him daily in real life.
Sober? Best guy ever. Drunk? Disengage and check back later.
^^^ The person, or the malady?
“At least I’m not LOCO!”
BTW, you guys don’t want SIX Locos’ here…
^^^ That was meant for anon’s comment.
What is dumb about stating the fact that the Governor I voted to re-elect has deserted his full time job to pursue his Quixotic impossible dream. He might have had a chance in 2028 with two term, but he got lulled into this impossible quest. Wrong time to run. Making such a horrible showing this year most likely will screw up his chances in 2028.
Why does a fake user name make someone more believable than someone who refuses to play that game? Obviously, it didn’t make Loco smarter.
DeSantis is not jousting at windmills, he’s simply aware of the fact that the deck is stacked against Trump in 2024.
He is the insurance policy against Nikki being the candidate and guaranteeing 4 more years of democrat rule.
If Trump doesn’t get out of the race due to health or nefarious reasons, Trump wins the primary and DeSantis is Florida governor until January 2027.
BTW, the Florida Legislature IS NOT CURRENTLY IN SESSION!
“Why does a fake user name make someone more believable than someone who refuses to play that game? ”
Who wants to tell him?
How about one of the other six anons on this thread?
Surely one of you gets it?
Anonymous AT 8:40 PM
Why does a fake user name make someone more believable than someone who refuses to play that game? Obviously, it didn’t make Loco smarter.
Because a regular name makes you be consistent in your posts. If you aren’t consistent, you will be called out for the fake person you are. Really not that complicated, unless your IQ is really low.
Then you’ll stick to your anony ruse trying to fool everyone with your nonsense.
That’s why you get little respect as an anony.
Really that simple.
You ask for disrespect, you get it.
Try being accountable. I know it’s a stretch, but that’s where the freedom lies. Not in the dark, like where you want to stay so you can’t be held to your words.
Damn, that was a hella good point, Do4
(Audio only Zoom call)
Hi, I’m Ted. And you?
Ted. I’m also Ted.
Well, we’ve got a room full of Ted’s, then.
Yeah, fancy that! Ted here, as well!
Maybe we need a Ted Talk on having too many Ted’s.
Which Ted said that?
Hi, I’m Ted and it doesn’t matter.
Are you saying you don’t matter, Ted?
Who you talkin’ ’bout?
Obviously, someone named Ted.
Of course I matter. I’m not just some ordinary Ted. I’m MAGA Ted!!
Well, I’m THE Ted here and you’re dumber than a box of rocks, Ted.
Look in the mirror, Ted. At least I’m not you!
Oh, shut up. I don’t know who I’m talking to here.
You all sound alike to me.
Ted signing off. I’m outta here.
Good riddance, Ted.
At least I not you.
But you might as well be.
Good night, Ted. Good night, Ted. Good night, Ted. Good night, Ted. Good night, Ted. Good night, Ted. Good night, Ted…
Ultimately, I want to differentiate between my personal anon trolls and Brad’s personal anon trolls without reading their posts.
The best times are when anon trolls troll each other. They don’t know whether to wind their ass or scratch their watch.
LocoBlancoSaltine AT 8:52 PM
Ultimately, I want to differentiate between my personal anon trolls and Brad’s personal anon trolls without reading their posts.
HA! Two steps ahead of normal interaction between unrelated people.
Yeah. Not going to happen unless they give up the idea they profit from not giving themselves a regular identifier.
“Ultimately, I want to differentiate between my personal anon trolls and Brad’s personal anon trolls without reading their posts.”
Yea well mine are a lot dumber than yours and I think I deserve better than that.
If you’re going to post here be fair to the rest of us and get a damn name.
“DeSantis is not jousting at windmills”
Nigga’ joustin’ at invisible dragons and shit. Talks to hisself and wages war on birds with his hands.
MoFo so stiff he look like he fucked a wooden injun.
Damn, this guinea got 3 feet of uncooked spaghetti up his corn hole.
I could give an F less. I enjoy your message. Type away pal.
Damn, this guinea got 3 feet of uncooked spaghetti up his corn hole.”
That’s a tape worm.
Whole box of uncooked Barilla linguine. Right up his Pope hole.
His momma got gold nipples.
He got a rip in his couch.
I can’t do nuthin for him, man.
I feel your pain Benito.
I found out last night that my *checks notes* routine is growing old.
In addition, calling iotw a “blog” is verboten.
Can’t please everyone…
^^^^ Dude, yo got admit you exposed a lot of latent issues from your childhood suddenly coming to light last night. You NEED my help. I think I can fix your shit. Or at least help you understand why you are the way you are.
Physician… heal thyself!
BTW Brad, the same guy who complained about my *checks notes* said about you:
“rare occasion when his meds are right”
Perhaps the problem is not us?
No way man, the problem is definitely youse guys.
“Too much ego in your cosmo”s as the old saying goes. You both internalize everything. That’s not healthy. Just let more stuff roll off your backs before you guys stroke out.
OT, but Salon (Yeah, I know) has been running op-ed hit pieces the last 2 days mentioning Mark Meadows as co-operating with Jack Smith against DJT, saying he testified in front of the GJ without the knowledge of Trump, that Trump’s lawyers can’t even talk to Meadows but has to go thru his lawyers (not a good sign) and that he is willing to testify both to debunking Trump’s claims that he de-classified all the docs he took home, and private conversations held with the president on J-6.
Again, it’s Salon, but if even half of this is true…………….damn.
Sorry Rich, this thread is meant to discredit DeSantis by proxy.
It’s one in a series of DeSantis-bashing for the past couple of weeks.
Sure, they haven’t laid a glove on the man but it makes some folks here feel good.
Therefore changing the subject is as bad as calling this site a blog.
I don’t make the rules…
Probably so, but the consensus opinion here (I believe) is that even if convicted, SCOTUS will somehow rescue him and keep him out of prison but if any of the co-conspirators turn and play ball, this could be really bad for Trump.
TBH, I never really considered anyone on “his team” turning rat, although given that he is the most persecuted politician in our history, it is not surprising FBI/Justice goons would pull out the stops, and apply maximum pressure. It really is disgusting when you think about it.
The entire goal in charging 18 co conspirators was to get one to roll. Newsmax right now is reporting Meadows is weak in the knees. I dunno. Going to be interesting. And painful.
Rich, Jessie Kelly has been warning for over a year how bad it can get.
These guys aren’t pussy-footing around.
Sure, Fat Alvin and his bullshit case is crap, but there are three others where all they need is a single conviction for the most part.
Another reason bashing DeSantis is the stupidest thing in the world at this point.
DeSantis polling at 14%……HOLY CRAP GO GO GO!!!!!! NUMBAH1!!!!
14% IS A MANDATE!!!!!
Hmmm, I remember Trump polling at 1% in 2015.
Yeah polls!
Always right, like clockwork!
BTW, shouldn’t a former president be polling at 75% or better?
Less that 50% = WUT?
14% is the humidity in Loco’s shorts….
One thing is for sure, one of the 18 is dirty. And the bad guys have the dirt. There’s no telling what the baddies will get those worms to say in order to save their no good skin.
“Another reason bashing DeSantis is the stupidest thing in the world at this point.”
You guys need to wake up and smell the coffee. I get you both got this weird fucking thing going on with the current Governor of Florida. They’re unjustifiably persecuting Trump. Trump has infrastructure up the ass. He has connections. For Christ sake he’s an ex pres with a following like no other. If they can do this to Trump this easily, RDS won’t even be a speed bump. You guys do NOT understand the battle at hand.
willys, that’s our secret, big mouth…
We DO understand Brad.
DeSantis doesn’t have a fraction of the baggage for the feds to go after.
DeSantis has agreed to pardon Trump in the event he needs to.
DeSantis is far and away the best alternative to Trump.
He has a record of legislative achievement that none of the other candidates can even sniff.
But sure, go ahead and bash the man with irrational bullshit and outright lies…
“We DO understand Brad”
No you don’t. At all. But eventually you will. Unfortunately it will be to late then. Remember those words. This is no longer worth arguing about.
“I get you both got this weird fucking thing going on with the current Governor of Florida.”
Not looking for a fight, especially one that we’ve had a hundred times already, but I think I’ve been pretty clear about my view of cult of personality and hero-worship, that ain’t me. I don’t fall in love with politicians but I do critique them. They get praise from me as long as they do what I want them to do and keep their promises. When they step on their johnson or bullshit me, they get the business, plain and simple.
My admiration for RDS is based solely on his actions, nothing more.
There in lies the rub.
MAGA vs the world.
Kiss the ass or you are dead to me.
Binary horseshit.
“Fairwell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies
Fairwell and adieu to ye ladies of Spain…”
Logo…. you’re gonna’ need a bigger boat.
As long as it can hold enough Uranium and the Japs don’t get me, my boat is big enough…
Your boat is at 14%. Trumps boat is still at 52% Indictment after indictment.
Besides,it’s still too early for this to matter. Usually the media gins up some front runners who fade and a whole new crop of individuals show up later.
When DeSantis lays waste to the 7 Dorks tomorrow night that 14% will double…
Trump turns himself in on Thursday.
Imagine that, getting a mugshot to own the cons…
I’m surprised that Trump isn’t turning himself in as the the debate starts.
Agreed joe6, because that would show the actions of a truly confident man who has the primary wrapped up and unafraid of the competition…
*Rolls eyes*
“When DeSantis lays waste to the 7 Dorks tomorrow night that 14% will double…”
Don’t worry Bailiff. I got this one.
Honestly joe6, Trump seems to be hellbent on running up the score in an exhibition game.
Never mind the pending Superbowl.
Throwing red-meat to the MAGA voters who are locked in already.
The tired actions of a toddler wear thin on those that don’t drink the Flavor-aid in huge gulps…
Loco, sometimes you’re a bit of a worm. You would only roll your eyes at that if you were intimidated by that.
I await your comeback Burr with the anticipation of passing a kidney stone…
joe6, serious question:
Why does Trump feel he has to counter-program a debate HE WAS INVITED TO?
What purpose does it serve?
He’s ahead in the polls by 40 bazillion points, right?
Please give me an answer.
If not, well we know why…
Are you kidding Loco? That’s like turning down an invitation to a media lynching. The worst thing he could do is try to appease these no good TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!
Rich, I’ve started typing a reply 3 times and erased them. So I’ll say this now, maybe expand on it at a later date. Trumps fought these people on the world stage. He’s had some victories, he’s had way to many losses. I don’t think that’s a fair appraisal of his ability. More of a reflection of how actually corrupt our government is and how many traitors hold office. Who knew, Turtle Boy used alias e mails too. No other candidate has battled these people at this lever. Not even close. I don’t think Trump’s a stupid man. Quite the opposite really. No other candidate should, or does understad the battle at hand better than TRUMP. The gloves are off, lets see how much damage he can do. That’s my major concern. Electing someone that can destroy our non elected public officials ability to destroying our Republic. And the elected ones for that matter.
joe6, you must know that these stunts like “counter-programming” do nothing to move the needle.
And they are indeed just stunts.
They feed red meat to the MAGA bros that say “yea Trump, sick burn, that’ll show them!”
Meanwhile the voters he needs sees this bullshit as an asshole move.
Especially from someone in SERIOUS legal jeopardy.
And BTW, he handled the media fine in 2016 & 2020.
Is he too tired these days to slay dragons?
Sad to say but he looks weak not showing up.
ESPECIALLY after the last BS indictment.
Show up and say, “Tomorrow I’m turning myself in to an unbelievable corrupt justice system. The founders are rolling in their graves. Vote for me to end this tyranny! We will overcome, together and make America great again!”
Everyone else on stage is left holding their dick, including Nikki.
*Chris Christi hasn’t seen his own dick in 17 years…
Loco, lol, weren’t you telling us you were our ally last night?
Thing is Brad, you have another fighter you dismiss with outright lies.
Could have been a great ally but since he has challenged Trump he is dead to you.
Thing is, DeSantis has used kid gloves against Trump.
He could hit him hard.
I don’t expect him to tomorrow.
I expect him to hit biden*
Plus he will have to deflect assholes on stage attacking him.
One word of advice I would give DeSantis:
Get to the Green Room early before Chris Christi.
Otherwise bring your own appetizers…
I’m so glad we didn’t need allies in WWII
America Alone!
Brad, I know you don’t believe me but, and I said this many times here, nothing would make me happier or prove that there is some justice in this cosmic universe of ours if Trump won in 2024 and then laid waste to the no good dirty bastards. Nobody deserves a second term more than he does.
I just cannot reconcile the numbers in my head and I see impending doom right around the corner. I would love to be proven wrong and I will vote for whoever is on Republican ticket, but at this point I have little confidence that he can extricate himself from all these legal messes and at the same time convince millions of folks that don’t want anything to do with him to vote for him.
Agreed Rich.
My revenge & retribution side wants Trump to win
My rational & reality side wants DeSantis to win
I would love revenge if it can happen.
Destroying allies on the way is not the answer…
You’re out of your mind loco. They wouldn’t give him the chance to make that statement. He is still handling the media fine. All these paid off, useless, uniparty corruptacrats are supporting various candidates. DeSantis is among their favorites.
Sure Jan…
They would cut his mic, and shoot him dead!
Good grief!
“DeSantis is among their favorites.”
***B I N G O ***
We have a winner for the largest pile of total inescapable horseshit said on iotw today!
Believe me it was STIFF competition.
(Sorry willys)
And someone actually said Covid-19 never existed!
Seriously, you cannot be that conspiratorial to believe this shit?
Where do you dig this shit up?
Do you like being misled?
I think I’ve cracked the code!
Select individuals here get their “information” from obscure conspiracy websites or “blogs” that proclaim Donald Trump as the one & only, the Messiah.
He is Cyrus from The Warriors.
BTW, don’t you dare say their actions are cultlike…
Don’t mind me. I’m just passing through to gather the the beer bottles and empty the ashtrays…..
One last point then I’m done for the night.
When did politics become a pillow fight?
The shit is rough.
Fight like a man, even though the odds are stacked against you.
“How dare DeSantis run against me!!!
Now THAT is Sarcastica!
Author! Author!
“My God…it’s full of Logo posts”….
Mission Commander David Bowman.