More of this, please – surrounded car plows through rioters – IOTW Report

More of this, please – surrounded car plows through rioters

Let the Racheling begin. (I coined Racheling.) (Just now.) (Figure it out.)

ht/ toenex


I love when these morons shriek, “Oh, my God!”

First of all, you are godless.

Second of all, what are you expecting to happen?

37 Comments on More of this, please – surrounded car plows through rioters

  1. …not only do I have a low gear in my car, I am always carrying, too.

    …so if you mob ME, you will likely NOT be getting up after being deservedly knocked on your ass for threatening my life, just sayin’…

  2. @Supernightshade: Me, too. I added a TASER for anyone breaching and I always leave a big gap in front of me before the next vehicle at stoplights so I can scoot to either adjacent lane.

    If trapped on approach to a mob, the key is to merely slow down. Do not stop. Keep going at about 25 mph, hit the horn, and go straight through. You may have to drive over obstacles/debris, or swerve, but your car can be repaired and your life cannot be replaced. Resolve to do this now so you do not vacillate later.

    I vow to not be a “free” Reginald Denny incident. More like Kent State.

  3. What are these rioting cretins going to be like when they are 60? Assuming they get to 60. There is a limit to how old you can get on swollen self-entitlement and shriveled common sense. I thought Boomers were the “live fast, die young” generation, but they may outlive their Millennial kids.

  4. @Thirdtwin
    I really worry about the future as these dimwits grow older. Look what the 60’s hippies did to this country as they grew older and took activist roles in government, media and academia.
    We must get a firm grip on the situation right now and then adjust laws at every level of government to prevent commies from ever getting involved in those institutions.

  5. Need to make a cover for your license plate(s) to modify the numbers so that if you’re in this type of situation, even if the mob takes a picture, you won’t be tracked.
    Once out of the situation/at home, the cover can be removed.
    Stealth and disguise.

  6. Braden Lynch
    SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AT 11:49 AM
    “@Supernightshade: Me, too. I added a TASER for anyone breaching…”

    …don’t know if I’d go for a Taser for a few reasons. It won’t work if you don’t get good contact, it’s very temporary, it doesn’t necessarily completely immobilize anyone, if they’re touching you or a passenger you ALL may get shocked, and how sure are you its sufficiently charged at all times?

    Besides that, its pretty hard to argue you were in fear for your life and you reached for a Taser. Its actually easier to say you shot to end a threat than you tased to end a threat, because if you’re choosing non-lethal that means you don’t consider the attack a deadly threat…

    …I didn’t make this world, Democrats did. They made it a world where you’re either a victim or a killer. All their rules and lawyers and DAs have essentially taken non-lethal options off the table, even in some cases for police. Even graduated force, like a knife, can’t be legally used because there is no legislation for concealed KNIFE carry in most states, which is a shame because doing a flick-cut on someone’s forehead can do wonders to make them forget whatever cute idea they had for attacking you without actually killing them, seeing as how they have all that blood they have to wipe out of their eyes constantly to even figure out where you are…

    …so you’re a corpse, or you make a corpse.

    It’s where they’ve pushed this.

    …and the only death I am not prepared to explain is my own…

  7. I think it’s time to put spikes on the front of these cars and to take a few “protestors” with them next time these cunts block a road. Enough of this fucking shit. All these filthy left wing pigs can die horrible deaths and, as far as I’m concerned, that is totally cool.

  8. My sister would have never stopped in the first place. She was a thin, light woman that carried.

    Late one night she was driving by the county courthouse, which is located in an industrial area near downtown Dallas, and two black dudes walked out in the street and tried to block her way.

    She down-shifted and hit the gas. They immediately dived out of her way. She was driving a Cobra at the time. No mistaking that she floored it.

    I do miss her.

  9. As someone who has literally punched it and driven thru a group of rioters trying to break into the car I was driving, I can report that self preservation takes over and most of them jump out of the way. I would recommend finding an unshattered area of windshield to get a general bead on a way out and it doesn’t hurt to act crazy. And if you hit a few other cars while doing this, well, that’s unfortunate. Just don’t stop.

  10. I LOve how these “wymen” always scream “OH MY GOD” the onlly time these people think about God is when they are being knocked down on to the black top or are being black topped


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