More people are doing this than ever before… – IOTW Report

More people are doing this than ever before…

27 Comments on More people are doing this than ever before…

  1. Actually, Uncle Al, I figured the Brits DID spell it “satanise.” So, I was wrong, too. 🙂

    Darn, now I can’t make more caustic comments about the Brits, at least on this subject.

  2. Well the wall around the graveyard
    says that “SATIN LIVES IN HELL”
    They may love the devil but
    his disciples sure can’t spell

    So what do I do then?
    Guess I’ll put an “A” in there and show em how to sin

    -Ass Ponys, “Shoe Money”, from the album The Known Universe, 1995

  3. Jimmy, you tell me how the Brits can spell jail as gaol. I’ve never understood that, I do know that they pronounce g’s as j’s but gaol sounds more like gail to me. Thank God we speak American English and not British English, American English is confusing enough but the Brits language is more confusing than ours. And then there are the Scots and the Irish who are more confusing in their language than both us and the Brits. Also how does schedule become pronounced shed yule by the Brits and the Canucks. Or antibiotics be pronounced anti bee iotics.

  4. The ancient Greeks are said to have been opposed to the wide availability of paper. Believing it would atrophy people’s ability to remember stuff.

    But maybe the real reason was they didn’t know how to spell, a skill they would need to know if writing their stories on paper. For remembered stories they only had to know the spoken words.

  5. Come on now, would Satan do you any harm or lead you astray? Of course not, just ask Teddy Kennedy, Obama, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, the DNC, RINO’s,The Clinton’s, Crazy Joe Biden, etc!

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