More People Like This Are Needed – IOTW Report

More People Like This Are Needed

17 Comments on More People Like This Are Needed

  1. …I want to believe stuff like this, but it always makes me wonder about staging or at least opportunism when someone posts them doing apparent nice things.

    …besides, if you DO genuinely do nice things, maybe dont embarass the person youre doing them for by posting videos of it? The kid did seem to want pictures for himself, true, but he could have left it at that.

    Besides, the Bible says this about that…

    “Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward”
    -Matthew 6:2

    …no harm, no foul, maybe its genuine and meant to inspire others, but always when I see a thing like this I have that little bit of doubt and I know Im not alone…

  2. @SNS, I get what you are saying, but I have a different take. Given, that the world as it is now is so wicked and Godless, instances of cruelty, selfishness, and despair are everywhere. When I see little snippets of humanity, kindness and joy, it is not only uplifting but motivating.

    I think the purpose of the video was to illustrate that when we do good, the reward that returns to us are 10-fold, hence the tears by the driver.

    Kindness can be contagious, it nurtures the soul and makes us hopeful that Jesus’ commandment to love one another is still a thing.

  3. Our local Safeway hires mentally challenged peeps for baggers. They’ve never officially announced that. But it’s not to hard to tell. They’ll screw up bagging your stuff about 50% of the time. But no one cares. It’s interesting when they bring a new person in. They’re quite, head down, no eye contact. And son of a bitch two weeks later you can’t shut them up. It’s awesome.

  4. You know Brad, you give an individual a chance to be productive, and in their minds be a contributing member of society, and you have done a service to your community. I endorse giving those that are challenged a role that puts them out there as a member of society. I’ve seen some challenged individuals really surprise not only themselves but those that care for them. Naturally there are limits, but who are we to decide what a persons role should be?

  5. And I didn’t say that as well as I could have. What I could have said better is who are we to define their limits. Those with limitations will likely define their limitations themselves. I’ve seen some good examples of those that have exceeded all expectations.

  6. My dad hired a developmentally disabled kid back in the 1970’s. I used to be responsible for keeping an eye on him. One time he disapeared and I found him with a push broom four blocks down the street still going like the EnergizerBunny. He was sweeping the front area between two buildings and would turn around like a Roomba when he got to a wall. No wall and he just kept going. He was loved by everybody.

  7. Even if this is staged, it’s a great example of how kindness has a real and positive effect. Kindness is repaid by God himself. It’s a principle (alms) for everyone;

    Proverbs 19:17, The Holy Bible, NKJV
    “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
    And He (God) will pay back what he has given.”

    This is not a contradiction of the scripture SNS presented. Wisdom and humble obedience to the Lord are just as important for those who know Him.

  8. joe6pak

    I would not be over exaggerating if I said half the allure of shopping at Safeway is to run into these characters. Well that and a discount on fuel.
    Think my email is down. I’ll try you tomorrow.


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