More problems coming for ESPN – IOTW Report

More problems coming for ESPN

Many Heads are About to Roll

Sources inside and outside of ESPN say that the network is bracing for major cost cuts in 2020, including the potential layoffs of hundreds of employees.

16 Comments on More problems coming for ESPN

  1. There, um, is a poem I have heard. It is short, but it rhymes.
    “Get woke, go broke.”
    Yep, that’s it. Yep.
    I think that ESPN went woke a long time ago. Most sports fans, like me, because I like hockey, um, really don’t like woke stuff. So, yep, uh, fewer people now watch the ESPN (insert your own words for those letters here) network. I imagine that as time goes by, more and more fans will forget about woke ESPN. I imagine, based on news of more layoffs, ESPN could close its woke doors and go back to sleep.
    Do I care if ESPN folds?
    Let me think.
    Nope, I give zero fucks about ESPN. None. Zilch. Nada.

  2. I arrive at the gym every week day morning around 6:30 and every morning they have ESPN on the monitors. Which consists of 3 over weight black ex athletes and a token white gay guy. All of them have the equivalent of a elementary school education. Very little sports content. Mainly politics. They deserve to go broke. They suck.

  3. ESPN?? Aren’t they supposed to have something to do with sports? Or are they just another social justice channel like CNN / MSNBC / Netflix / etc? I can never keep it straight, though I haven’t watched for years

  4. No surprise if it’s revealed that the insiders were shorting stock. Nothing else explains such stupidity.

    That the players, announcers, and fans like Spike Lee would roll with it was no shocker.

    Nevertheless, AMF you stupid losers!!!

  5. Aesop lived about 2,600 years ago. Yet over that time many people (& companies) have failed to apply the moral of the story, “The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs”. Short sighted acts that destroy long term gain. Bye now.


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