More Reason To Vote For Trump – Obama Will Be Hurt, Personally, If People Don’t Preserve His Legacy By Electing Hillary – IOTW Report

More Reason To Vote For Trump – Obama Will Be Hurt, Personally, If People Don’t Preserve His Legacy By Electing Hillary

C’mon #NeverTrump.

Not voting for Trump will make Barack Obama happy.

Voting for Trump will make him sad.

Are you really all about making Obama happy, or do you want to see him sad?


President Barack Obama said Saturday night he will take it as a “personal insult” if the African-American community fails to turn out for the presidential election and encouraged black voters to support Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Obama delivered his final keynote address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, symbolically passing the torch to the person he hopes will succeed him next year. Clinton, his former secretary of state, was honored for becoming the first female presidential nominee of a major party.

Obama said his name may not be on the ballot, but issues of importance to the black community were, including justice, good schools and ending mass incarceration.

“I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election,” Obama said with a stern look and booming passion. “You want to give me a good send-off, go vote.”

In her own pitch to African-Americans at the same dinner, Clinton implored the crowd to help protect Obama’s legacy, warning of a “dangerous and divisive vision” that could come from Republican opponent Donald Trump.



39 Comments on More Reason To Vote For Trump – Obama Will Be Hurt, Personally, If People Don’t Preserve His Legacy By Electing Hillary

  1. This is one of those rare occasions when I’d like to be a black man so I could insult him more. As it is all I can do is call him a low-life son of a slut megalomaniacal liar, a treasonous shit-for-brains, and general all-around SMUG ARROGANT CONDESCENDING ASSHOLE.

    But that just doesn’t seem strong enough, nome sane?

  2. Listen, asshole, don’t mistake your bullshit high “Personal Popularity” poll numbers for your “Actual Percormance” poll numbers. Your setting yourself up for bitter disappointment.

    On second thought, you go on and do that.

  3. Sounding a bit desperate Barry. The guy who couldn’t possibly be bothered to deal with Milwaukee or Louisiana during his final Martha Vineyard’s vacation paling around with the lily white rich and famous actually believes he can make blacks do what he wants by shedding a fake tear. Talk about insulting!

  4. Bought a house in DC to curate his legacy. Instead, he gets a front row seat at its destruction. Hell, with Prssident Trump,.there’s no guarantee that Mooch will be handed the DC Shadow Senate seat. This cannot stand.

    African American Rangers, Activate!

  5. Sure, just elect a lying, prevaricating, old, cold, sick, nauseating Bitch cuz the Politically Correct, hashtag opportunistic, carpet-bagging, counterfeit, cheap, lying, no good, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, jug-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vacationing, golfing, childish, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, backstabbing, stone-walling, out-of-touch, wildly spending, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, monument-Barrycading, community-organizing, narcissistic, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, America-hating, muzlim-loving, Jihad-coddling, taqiyah sunrise-drinking, dithering, flat-footed, tone-deaf, lawless, thoroughtly corrupt, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, divisive, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic Communist Organizing Doorknob sez so… with tears!

    Meanwhile don’t yous guys ever axe yerselfs:
    “Hows come the democRats have been selling us hope and change for over half a century, and nuthin ever changes?”

    Let us know when y’all decide to crawl off the plantation and get real in order to make America great again where everybody benefits! We’ll keep the light on for ya.

  6. There’s nothing to preserve except for a failed Obamacare and an Obamaphone. He can put those into his worthless museum. Maybe a pic of Trayvon Martin, his wannabe son. His legacy will be the size of a transgender bathroom – one more worthless legacy of his. Maybe a freeze dried school lunch that got tossed at the taxpayers expense. Oh and a graph of his golfing and vacations. A pic of his dog getting a personal flight on a jet – paid for by the taxpayer. His legacy is jack shit.

    BATHHOUSE BARRY will do fine…he has already been booked at ManCountry, Chicago, in his show starring Beyonce Barry doing “i got reefers in my bag, swag” every night for a month. Reggie and Bette M will be doing the backup and real singing. Babs S has reserved the stage tables of her “libbie” friends from Cali. Cher is coming out of retirement for the 34th time to attend and perform..Good times huh? Rahmella Emanuel and Caitlan Jenner will do a trio with him.. its “Raining Men”..GAG!! I only hope his pecker rots and falls off…if he still has one, that is.

  8. What a childish little wuss. Go back to the oval office, odubmo, and prance around like the fairy princess you are, and play with your selfie stick. What an incompetent useless bastard

  9. I’d like to send the funny pink Japanese girly lips to Obama and the entire Democratic Party, how much are they. Nancy peloci needs a whole shit load and some knee pads too. Harry ried needs a ball gag, some fury pink cuffs and some assless chaps. Thank you Santa, you’re the best.

  10. “You want to give me a good send-off, go vote.” Thus said the worst President America has ever had. To continue my legacy, vote for Hillary, I beg you, is what he’s saying.
    Reminds me of the story of the foreman who just laid off a Dindonuttin after three months probation. The Dindo said “y’all just layin’ me off ’cause I’s black, right?”
    NO, said the foreman, we hired you because you were black, as we hired several other’s because they were black. Our company is twenty percent black, 18 percent Hispanic, 12 percent Asian, 25 percent Irish,16 percent Italian, and 9 percent Russian Jews, but they are all Americans. They all show up for work on time and don’t call in sick every other week. No Bucko, we’re firing you because you are fuckin’ worthless. Wise to fuck up man! Here’s your last check.

  11. the n-AARGH-cissism of this arrogant candyass chickenshit is limitless.

    My guess is that in every single high school sport he played, he got a p-AARGH-ticipation ribbon. “Melihat ibu! Saya memenangkan pita!”

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