More Red Meat For the Cop Debate – IOTW Report

More Red Meat For the Cop Debate

LA Police Shoot Deranged Homeless Guy on Skid Row

19 Comments on More Red Meat For the Cop Debate

  1. I wonder if he really thought he could fight off 4+ cops. Did he really think that if he beat all their asses that the LAPD would just let him go on his merry way?

    Fist fighting armed cops is a bad survival plan.

  2. And here we go again. People have no idea how hard it is to subdue someone who is absolutely determined to resist arrest.

    Doesn’t anyone remember this? From 1955 through 1989 over 400,000 mentally disturbed people were “mainstreamed” out of mental institutions back into our communities. Much of this occurred during the mid 70’s as a result of the Community Mental Health Centers program (CMHC). I remember the homicides as several women were killed – beaten to death – by nutcases that had formerly been locked away at Marcy in upstate NY. One happened in broad daylight at a bus stop downtown.

    Working the “tenderloin” district I saw these people move into low income apartments and get raped, robbed and generally abused by predators. If you make an arrest, try to prosecute on the basis of testimony given by someone with an IQ of 50. These people needed to be protected, not tethered like goats as bait for lions.

    Then you have the CCNV and Mitch Synder who made being homeless popular. They fed off the mainstream mentally ill. Synder himself was a nutcase and hung himself in 1990.

    The problem is, if you treat them like an endangered species you’re gonna get a lot more of them.

  3. The second person picking up the night stick and positioning to use it speaks volumes. Notice the cops didn’t shoot them. What lead up to the video? Tensions were already obviously high & toss in some fierce resistance, stir until ready.

  4. You can hear the police officer say “drop my gun” 3 times . It appears the homeless man had hold of it and potentially fired the first round before the other officer(s) began shooting. Their response was appropriate.

  5. I think the biggest crime here is that the cops don’t know their job or the law..the moron with the camera should have been arrested for inciting a riot – which is a 3rd degree felony under 18 U.S.C. ยง 2101 : US Code – Section 2101: Riots.. punishable for a 5 year stay at a state prison..
    there are laws in place to curb this..why the district attorneys don’t use it is probably the same reason why cops don’t.. too lazy to learn the law..

  6. I can’t tell from the video why the man deserved to be shot by the cops.

    it does make me wonder just how scared the cops have become of the citizens they encounter on the street and how little provocation it now requires for them to execute you for their considered safety.

    I do know 20 years ago this didn’t happen so frequently.

    ironic if these situations of cops executing citizens on the streets could be used as a reason for disarming the citizens.

  7. They could have done some Kung-fu type shit and subdued the guy. Or that “sleeper hold” the wrestling dude used to use.

    I know it’s real cuz I seen it on TV!

  8. Based on the majority of comments expressed within the video:

    1. Black peeps really love they mothers. (know I’m sayin’?)

    2. Black cop shoots black deranged homeless man = non story.

    3. Al Sharptongue nowhere to be found.

  9. @petrus is right, you can definitely hear one of the cops yelling to drop the gun. Sounds like the suspect grabbed one of their guns and was fighting to get free.

    Of course I wasn’t there.

    The problem here is you have the situation where we have some people on the scene that have some of the facts, think they have all of the facts and immediately declare the cops guilty.

    If I stop and think about how many people I run into during the day that are good people, but who are not that bright I can think of several. They aren’t necessarily stupid, but they think they know much more than they think they do. That is what we have here. Throw on top of that a mistrust of the police and a hatred for white people and you have a perfect firestorm.

    Every one of those assholes around the cops calling them “Coward Motherfuckers” would be the first one to call 911 when someone is breaking into their house or shooting at their momma. The cops are only useful when they are defending them personally.

  10. Yup, Petrus called it first.

    Bill, at 20 seconds you can hear the first “drop the gun” or “I dropped my gun” or “he’s got a gun”.

    Right after that are the first shots and soon after that there are several cops holding their weapons on him.

    Nothing looks “accidental” or over the top about this if he did have a gun in his hand. No matter where it came from.

  11. Subduing a perp is never easy. A good friend, retired cop, told me once that he would get beat up at least once a week doing that. He was no easy mark either, he was big enough and stayed in good shape.

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