More studies rebut climate change consensus amid government crackdown on dissent – IOTW Report

More studies rebut climate change consensus amid government crackdown on dissent

WaTimes: The latest government crackdown on climate dissent, exemplified by last week’s subpoena of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, comes amid a surge of scientific research that pokes holes in the catastrophic climate change consensus.

climate change hot cold

Even as Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude E. Walker demanded the free market think tank’s climate research and communications, a rising tide of evidence has challenged the narrative that increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are driving floods, drought and other disasters.

As of March 27, researchers had published 133 “consensus-skeptical” papers this year, bringing to 660 the number of such studies appearing since January 2014, blogger Kenneth Richard wrote on the skeptics website NoTricksZone.

“There has been quite an uptick in papers that question the consensus this year,” said Anthony Watts, who runs the influential WattsUpWithThat? website.

Studies published on his website and others include in the past few weeks include those that say:  MORE

6 Comments on More studies rebut climate change consensus amid government crackdown on dissent

  1. If these liberal assholes want to reduce Carbon Dioxide they should pack up and move their happy asses to the third world shitholes that are clear cutting rain forests and protest there where it’s needed…and leave our money alone!

  2. The Hoax of Globaloney Warming is a godsend for the totalitarian gov’ts of the world.
    No facts. No evidence. No scientific foundation.
    Nothing but a stark irrational fear of a futuristic global catastrophe infused in the febrile minds of the ignorant by the Shysters and Shylocks of inter-National Socialism.

    It’s really no wonder that they’ve glommed onto it with such rabidity – for fools and their money are soon parted – particularly with the corrosive propaganda at their disposal.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Climate McCarthyism” – I love that catch-phrase! It’s the perfect way to belittle and marginalize these global warming scam artists.

  4. Justin Case,
    If the Libtards were REALLY serious about lowering CO2 and saving Gaia, they would go out into the wilderness (anywhere) and commit suicide. They would then accomplish many things towards their stated goal(s):
    1-reduce the amount of CO2 released by their breathing
    2-feed the meat eating furry creatures
    3-fertilize the earth with their decomposition
    4-feed the grass eating furry creatures
    5-reduce the “stress” on Mother Gaia and the consumption of her resources by reducing the present and future population and growth.

    Did I miss anything?

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